henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec

henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec

henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec


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176 IL PRINCIPE.<br />

principati. I principati sono o ereditari, de' quali il sangue<br />

del loro signore ne sia stato lungo tempo principe, o e'<br />

ways, [e.g. Disc. i. 4° ; Op. 3. Is3 : ' tal magistrato--the D<strong>ec</strong>emvirate-veniva<br />

ad essere al tutto pr#wipe di Roma ;' St. F1or. iii ; Op. i. i47 ,<br />

'i motori e prmcipi di esse'--i.e, the leaders of parties in the state ; St.<br />

Fior. vi ; Op. e. ios, 'dolevansi i princzpz, rammaricavansi i popolari 'i.e.<br />

the nobles]. Though Venice was a republic, the Doge was the<br />

Principe. But though the word was habitually used in a general sense<br />

in Machiavelli's age, as the English ' Prince' in Bacon's day, it was<br />

only gradually assumed by the Italian rulers, and originally signified<br />

that the Signore in question acknowledged no temporal superior.<br />

The gradual adopUon of the title is traced by Muratori [Antmhit/t<br />

Italiane, vol. vii. dissertazione 54].<br />

P. 175, 1.6. repubbliehe o prineipati] This antithesis runs through<br />

the whole of Machiavelli's works, always with the imphcation that the<br />

only practically possible form of government is either a repubhc or a<br />

monarchy; all intermediate forms are def<strong>ec</strong>tive and unstable. Cf.<br />

Discorso sulla Rlforma ; Op. iv. iii: ' Nessuno stato si pu6 ordinare<br />

che sia stabile se non _ o veto principato, o vera repubblica ; perch6<br />

tutti i governi posti intra questi duoi sono difettivi. La cagione 6<br />

chiarissima, perch_ il principato ha solo una via alla sua resoluzione,<br />

la quale _ scendere verso la repubbhca; e cosi la repubblica ha solo una<br />

via da resolversi, la quale _ salire verso il principato. Gli staff di mezzo<br />

hanno due vie, potendo salire verso il principato, e scendere verso la<br />

repubblica, donde nasce la loro instabilitM The hint for this passage<br />

may have been derived from Tacitus, Ann. iv. 33: ' Nam cunctas<br />

nationes et urbes populus aut primores aut singuli regunt ; del<strong>ec</strong>ta ex<br />

his et consociata reipublicae forma, ]audari facilius quam evenire, vel si<br />

evenit, haud diuturna esse potest.' The perpetual antithesis between<br />

republic and monarchy which runs through Tacitus [Principatus<br />

et Libertas, Agric, ch. iii; Rex et Libertas, Ann. i. i; Libertas et<br />

Domini, Hist. iv. ch. 64] led Amelot de la Houssaie to attempt to<br />

trace in detail the influence of Tacltus upon Machiavelli. Tacltus is<br />

quoted in Disc. iii. 6 ; Op. 3. 315, but Machiavelli's debt is not a large<br />

one, and the resemblance between the two has been much exaggerated.<br />

In Discorsi i. s there is an important passage in which Machiavelli<br />

discusses the possible forms of government, their relations to each<br />

other, their origin and d<strong>ec</strong>ay. He there seems to admit the possibility<br />

of a mixed form of goverment [' rimanendo mista--the Roman<br />

constitution--f<strong>ec</strong>e una repubblica perfetta'], and altogether of six distinct<br />

forms, three good and three debased. There is thus at first sight<br />

an apparent contradiction with the present passage; but the broad<br />

distinction of all governments into Republics and Monarchies does not<br />

n<strong>ec</strong>essarily make it impossible to admit variations of both, which for

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