henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec

henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec

henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec


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[October 26] and making arrangements for reducing the Castello, 1524.<br />

withdraws to Pavia, and lays siege to the town 1 [October 28].<br />

Giovanni de' Medici abandons the league and joins Francis I<br />

[Ercole Ricotti, vol. iv. p. 34]. Bourbon leaves Italy for Germany<br />

to coll<strong>ec</strong>t fresh troops. Clement vii, alarmed at the power of<br />

Charles V, concludes a s<strong>ec</strong>ret convention with France, placing the<br />

Papal States and Florence under the prot<strong>ec</strong>tion of Francis I.<br />

Quarrel between the Pope and the Imperialists. Francis I forms<br />

the proj<strong>ec</strong>t of attacking the kingdom of Naples [Guicciardini, St.<br />

d' It. xv. ch. iv ; Nardi, bk. vii ; Ammirato, bk. xxx. sub init.].<br />

Affairs at Floroneo.--In May, the Cardinal of Cortona, Silvio Passerini,<br />

is entrusted by Clement VII with the government of Florence,<br />

and takes up his residence at the palace of the Medici. On July 30,<br />

Ippolito de' Medici [aet. 15 : son of Giuliano, Duke of Nemours : see<br />

Genealogical Table iii] is d<strong>ec</strong>lared eligible for office at Florence [Ammirato,<br />

bk. xxx. p. 353] ; he assumes the title of Magnifico. Arrives<br />

in Florence at end of August, together with Alessandro de' Medici _;<br />

discontent at Florence [Varchi, bk. ii. sub init.].<br />

Wraehiavolli.--Continues writing the 'Storie Fiorentine' [Op. viii.<br />

165, 'attendo in villa a scrivere la istoria' ; letter to Guicciardini of<br />

August 3o]. ? During this year writes 'Clizia' [Op. v. I34], an<br />

imitation of the Casina of Plautus ; acted at Florence in 1525.<br />

Who _'reneh in Italy.--In January, John Stuart, Duke of Albany, 1525.<br />

passes through Tuscany with French troops, sent by Francis I<br />

during the siege of Pavia, to create a diversion in the kingdom of<br />

Naples, and to divide the Imperial forces. Anxiety of Clement vii,<br />

who, fearing lest both Milan and Naples should fall into the hands<br />

of the French, induces him to stop in the neighbourhood of Siena.<br />

He is forced to withdraw after the battle of Pavia.<br />

Francis I continues the siege of Pavia, defended by Leyva. [In a<br />

skirmish on February 17, Giovanni dei Medici is wounded and<br />

obliged to retire to Piacenza; 'qui rut une perte pour nous; car<br />

c'estoit un grand homme de guerre'; Bellay, p. 388]. The Imperial<br />

troops, joined-by i2,ooo men under Bourbon, advance<br />

towards the French camp: the Battle of Pavia, February 24:<br />

The siege of Pavia continued almost exactly four months. The Imperial<br />

forces ' were obliged to remain in such an ignomlmous state of inaction that a<br />

pasquinade was published at Rome, offering a reward to any person who could<br />

find the Imperial army, lost in the month of October in the mountains between<br />

France and Lombardy, and whzch had not been heard of since that time'<br />

[Robertson, Charles V, vol. i. p. 5Io, Lib. Ed._.<br />

2 So Varchi, vol. i. p. I4; but Cambl says that Alessandro arrived June I9,<br />

I525. Capponi IS. d. Rep. di Fir. vol. iii. I67] follows Cambi. Ammirato<br />

[bk. xxx. p. 355] says he arrived while Raffaello Girolami was Gonfaloniere,<br />

i.e. May-June, I5a5.

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