henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec

henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec

henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec


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1523. of Italy : the Venetians appoint the Duke of Urbino general of their<br />

forces : the Pope and Florentines, the Marquis of Mantua [Guicciardini,<br />

St. d' It. bk. xv. eh. i, ii, and Op. Ined. i. Discorsi Pol. viii,<br />

ix]. Francis I continues to prepare to invade the Milanese;<br />

assembles his army at Lyons ; is forced to delay by the news that<br />

the Constable of Bourbon has joined the Imperialists. He gives<br />

up the idea of leading his army in person into Italy. [The def<strong>ec</strong>tion<br />

of the Constable of Bourbon was due principally to the intrigues of<br />

Louise of Savoy against him, aided by the Chancellor Du Prat.<br />

Upon an order for the sequestration of his estates, Bourbon began<br />

to intrigue with the Imperial court, and was r<strong>ec</strong>eived by the<br />

Emperor with open arms. Francis I visited him at Moulins:<br />

Bourbon feigned illness, and afterwards escaped to Italy, where he<br />

commanded Imperial troops till the sack of Rome. See M_m. du<br />

Bellay, bk. ii. He was conn<strong>ec</strong>ted with the royal house through his<br />

wife Susanna, the daughter of Anne, who was sister to Charles VIII,<br />

and married to Peter II, Duke of Bourbon.] The command of the<br />

French forces is given to Bonnivet, High-Admiral of France, who<br />

enters Italy, occupies Novara and Vigevano, succeeds in crossing<br />

the Tessino in spite of the efforts of Prospero Colonna, who falls<br />

back upon Milan, and is enabled, by the delay of the French, to<br />

place the town in a position to defend itself. Bonnivet lays siege<br />

to Milan. On D<strong>ec</strong>ember 3° Prospero Colonna dies. [His deathis<br />

said to have been hastened by vexation at having to yield the command<br />

to Lannoy, Viceroy of Naples ; Guicciardini, St. d' It. xv. 3.<br />

sub init.]<br />

sept. 14. Death of Pope Adrian VI.--The Cardinal de' Medici goes to<br />

Rome, and is el<strong>ec</strong>ted Pope, November 18: takes the title of<br />

Clement VII.<br />

159.4. The :French in Italy.--The war in Lombardy carried on vigorously<br />

by Bourbon, Pescara, Lannoy, and Giovanni de' Medici : by March<br />

a large army assembled in the Milanese ; the Imperialists supplied<br />

with money by Girolamo Morone. They drive Bonnivet from his<br />

camp at Biagrassa, and he is forced to retreat towards France.<br />

The Imperialists come up with him at the river Sessia, where he<br />

is defeated, and Bayard [who was commanding the rear-guard]<br />

is slain [Mdmoires de Bayard, ch. lxiv]. Bonnivet succeeds in<br />

escaping to Ivrea, and thence to France. The Imperialists under<br />

Bourbon and Pescara enter Provence and besiege Marseilles,<br />

which is vigorously defended by Renzo da Ceri and Federigo da<br />

Bozzolo. Francis I assembles fresh forces at Avignon, and advances<br />

towards Marseilles ; the Imperialists raise the siege and retire to<br />

Italy. Francis I crosses the Alps at Mont Cenis [October], and<br />

enters Lombardy. Pescara takes up his position at Lodi, leaving<br />

Antonio da Leyva at Pavia. Francis I, after advancing to Milan

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