henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec

henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec

henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec


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14=94 Final settlement, November 25. i. Florence to continue a free state.<br />

ft. Piero de' Medmi to remain an exile, iii. Two Florentine<br />

deputies to accompany the French army, and two representatives<br />

of the French to remain at Florence. iv. Charles to r<strong>ec</strong>eive at<br />

intervals within six months I2O,OOOflorins, and to restore Pisa,<br />

Livorno, and all the places taken in the Lunigiana, at the close<br />

of the war ; ' liber<strong>amen</strong>te e sanza <strong>ec</strong>cezione alcuna 1/ The French<br />

leave Florence after'a stay of ten days ; reach Siena D<strong>ec</strong>ember 2,<br />

leave a French garrison in the town, and advance towards Rome :<br />

at Viterbo D<strong>ec</strong>ember io.<br />

The position of the :Pope.--Alexander VI in great perplexity.<br />

The troops supplied by Ferdinand [Ferrandino] insufficient for the<br />

defence of Rome : the citizens eager for some pacific arrangement.<br />

On D<strong>ec</strong>ember 9, Alexander VI refuses to grant the French ambassadors<br />

permission for the passage of the troops through the <strong>ec</strong>clesiastical<br />

territory. The French advance, and Alexander is forced<br />

to yield. ['Le pape consent qu'il entre dedans Rome; aussi ne<br />

l'en eflt sceu garder' ; Comines.] _he :French enter Rome, D<strong>ec</strong>ember<br />

31. The Pope b<strong>ec</strong>omes terrified, and takes refuge in Castet<br />

Sant' Angelo. The French absolute masters of the situation.<br />

Affairs at :Florenco.--The expulmon of the Medici makes it n<strong>ec</strong>essary<br />

to reorganise the constitution. On D<strong>ec</strong>ember 2, the Signori<br />

read to the assembled people a provision by which balia is granted to<br />

twenty A<strong>ec</strong>oppiatori to el<strong>ec</strong>t for one year the Signoria and principal<br />

magistrates, and to name one of their own number Gonfaloniere.<br />

This government called Governo de' Venti. But as the difficulties<br />

of carrying on the business of state increase, the constitution is<br />

radically reformed [see the text of the law of D<strong>ec</strong>ember 23 for the<br />

' Riformazione della citth e dello State,' published by Canestrini in<br />

Guiceiardini, 0p. Ined. ii. 229 ft.] by the establishment of the<br />

Consiglio Maggiore, with power to el<strong>ec</strong>t all the magistrates, and<br />

confirm all the laws ; to be composed of all citizens beneficiati of<br />

twenty-nine years old and upwards : if the total number exceeds<br />

15oo, they are to be divided into three parts, each of which is to<br />

constitute the Consiglio Maggiore for six months. A Senate, called<br />

Consiglio de' Richiesti della Signoria, and usually simply Consiglio<br />

t This treaty is given in full in Burchard's Diarium_ vol. ii. App. 25. p. 647.<br />

The clause about Pisa, which gave so much trouble, is as follows [Machiavelh's<br />

efforts in the matter of Pisa, and his writings on the subj<strong>ec</strong>t, will be found<br />

r<strong>ec</strong>ounted up to the year 15o9] : ' Terfio convenerunt: quod clvitas Pisarum<br />

et arx una cum oppido et arce Liburni_ remaneant in manibus d:cte regm maiestatas,illasque<br />

retinere possit durante sua impresla regni Neapolitani, iurisdictione<br />

t<strong>amen</strong>, dominie et fructibus dominis Florentinis remanentibus u_ antea; finita<br />

vcro dicta lmpresia, promisit prefata regia maiestas statim predlcta omnia et<br />

singula restituere reipublice florentine,' etc.

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