henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec

henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec

henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec


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1485. N.W. of Rome). The Pope endeavours to arouse R6n6, Duke of<br />

Lorraine, to assert his rights to the Neapohtan kingdom. Meanwhile<br />

d_sputes arise among the barons themselves (Prince of<br />

Salerno and Count of Sarno) ; the Venetians b<strong>ec</strong>ome alarmed at<br />

the idea of foreign intervention in Italian affairs; and after some<br />

desultory fighting, the year ends without a settlement of the quarrel.<br />

1486. The Neapolitan War.--Both parties continue under arms, but the<br />

forces of the League grow stronger, and maintain their position in<br />

the neighbourhood of Rome. Some of the barons give in their<br />

submission. The Pope inclines towards a peace, which is finally<br />

concluded on August II, after negotiations carried on by Gian<br />

Giacomo Trivulzio and Giovanni Pontano (s<strong>ec</strong>retary to the Duke<br />

of Calabria). Ferdinand undertakes to pardon the barons, to pay<br />

an annual tribute to the Church as before, and to acknowledge the<br />

Pope's rights over Aquila. But after the peace he pers<strong>ec</strong>utes the<br />

barons with great severity, ' in mode che gli fu imputato a felicit_<br />

1' avere avuta questa guerra, per avergli data occasione di assicurarsi<br />

de' Baroni' (Guicciardini).<br />

Savonarola sent to preach in Lombardy, chiefly at Brescia.<br />

1487. The War against Sarzana carried on with great vigour by the<br />

Florentines, who r<strong>ec</strong>over the place on June 22.<br />

Marriage of Francescetto Cib6, son of the Pope, to Maddalena,<br />

daughter of Lorenzo de' Medici.<br />

1488. Conspiracy at _'orli (Machiavelli, St. Fief. lib. viii ; Ammirato, iii.<br />

iSs; Napier, iii. 46o ff.).--Girolamo Riario, Count of Imola and<br />

Forll, 'uomo per le sue malvagit_ a' suoi sudditi molto odioso,' is<br />

murdered by C<strong>ec</strong>co del Orso on April I4; Caterma Sforza, his<br />

wldow, and her children, are seized by the conspirators. But the<br />

governor of the fortress holds out in favour of Caterina Sforza, and<br />

refuses to r<strong>ec</strong>eive any orders except from her. The conspirators<br />

allow her to enter the fortress, with the ostensible obj<strong>ec</strong>t of procuring<br />

its surrender; she maintains herself there, and defies the<br />

conspirators. Ludovico More and Lorenzo de' Medici send troops<br />

to Forll : the conspirators are allowed to make good their escape to<br />

Siena: Ottaviano Riario is made governor of Forll and Imola, and<br />

Caterina regent.<br />

Conspiracy fat leaenza.--Galeotto de' Manfredi is murdered in a<br />

conspiracy devised by his wife Francesca, daughter of Giovanni<br />

Bentivoglio of Bologna. After the murder the inhabitants rise in<br />

favour of the Manfredi, and Giovanni Bentivoglio hurries up to his<br />

daughter's assistance. The speedy arrival of Florentine troops<br />

settles matters. Astorre Manfredi, now only three years old, is<br />

placed under the guardianship of eight citizens of Faenza, and eight<br />

from the Val di Lamone ; Francesca is given into the keeping of<br />

her father.

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