henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec

henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec

henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec


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Finally, some were found to believe that The Prince had no<br />

serious purpose at all, but was thrown off in a moment of<br />

cynicism, 'per sfogarsi,' as a bitterjeu d' esprit.<br />

The variety of these theories is a sufficient proof of their inadequacy.<br />

Indeed if they were to be accepted, it would be difficult to<br />

understand how Machiavelli could deserve any better treatment<br />

than that meted out to him by his worst opponents. None of<br />

these apologetic interpretations have found favour with modern<br />

critics who have seriously studied Machiavelli, except with<br />

Gaspar Amico; but they were none the less, in one or two<br />

cases, advanced by men whose writings prove that they had<br />

devoted much attention to the subj<strong>ec</strong>t, and whose great and<br />

splendid abilities fully entitle them to a resp<strong>ec</strong>tful hearing.<br />

Among these the most celebrated is Bacon, who summed up<br />

his opinion in the oft-quoted words from the 'de Augmentis<br />

Scientiarum':--'Gratias agamus Machiavello et hujusmodi scriptoribus<br />

qui aperte et indissimulanter proferunt quid homines<br />

facere solebant, non quid debeant.' It is impossible to read<br />

Bacon's works without feeling how largely he was influenced<br />

by the study of Machiavelli ; he frequently quotes him by name,<br />

and often goes out of his way to praise him1; and it is this<br />

study of Machiavelli's works which gives its value to Bacon's<br />

opinion. Though it cannot be accepted as a complete account<br />

of The Prince, it is with some reservations true as far as it goes,<br />

and is considerably more just and reasonable than the majority of<br />

criticisms which had appeared before his time. It was a popular<br />

theory, and was forcibly stated in detail by Boccalini in his<br />

'Ragguagli di Parnaso,' in a remarkable and interesting passage 2.<br />

1 See notes to eh xviii, and xxv.<br />

De' Ragguagli dt Parnaso : di Traiano Boccahni ; Milan, x6i 3 ; Rag 89, page<br />

418 Machiavelli is supposed to be on his trial, he appears before the Quarantla<br />

Crlminale in person, and says :--' Eceo 6 Sire de' Letteratb quel Nicolo Machiavelli,<br />

the _ stato condennato per seduttore, e corruttore del genere Humano, e per<br />

seminatore di scandalosi pr<strong>ec</strong>etti politici. Io in tanto non mtendo difendere gli<br />

scritti mini, ehe pubbhe<strong>amen</strong>te gh accuso, e condanno per empi, per pienl dl<br />

crudeli, et es<strong>ec</strong>randi Doeumenti da governare gh Staff. D1 modo chese quella,<br />

the h6 pubbhcata alla stampa_ _ dottrina mventata dl rnio capo, e sono Preeetti<br />

nuovi, dlmando, ehe pur hora contro dl me irremlsslbllmente si eseguisca la<br />

sentenza, che a' Giudici _ piacuto darmi contro : ma se gli scntti miel altro non<br />

eontengono, che quei Pr<strong>ec</strong>ettl Politic1, e quelle Regole di Stato, che h6 cavate<br />

dalle attiom di aieuni Prenclpi, chese rostra Maestk ml dar_ hcenza nominar6 m<br />

questo luogo, de' quali _ pena la vita dil male_ qual gmstmia, qual raglone vuole,

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