The history of the popes, from the close of the middle ages : drawn ...

The history of the popes, from the close of the middle ages : drawn ...

The history of the popes, from the close of the middle ages : drawn ...


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towards him.^ In <strong>the</strong> conclave Farnese and <strong>the</strong> Carafa<br />

favoured him,^ while <strong>the</strong> French had no objection to his<br />

being elected. From <strong>the</strong> very beginning <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> election<br />

proceedings, Medici was treated by his colleagues with such<br />

distinction that his elevation to <strong>the</strong> Papal throne was expected<br />

on <strong>the</strong> evening <strong>of</strong> September gth,^ but he had a dangerous<br />

opponent in <strong>the</strong> powerful and cunning Este, who distrusted<br />

him on accoant <strong>of</strong> his favourable prospects, and who would<br />

not renounce his own candidature, however unlikely it may<br />

have appeared ; his aim was to prolong <strong>the</strong> conclave, <strong>the</strong><br />

better to gain time for his intrigues. On September i6th and<br />

<strong>the</strong> following Sunday <strong>the</strong>re was active canvassing for Medici."*<br />

In order to bring pressure to bear on Este in favour <strong>of</strong> Medici,<br />

Farnese acted as though he wished to support Carpi, his most<br />

dreaded opponent. Consequently Carpi, who in <strong>the</strong> first<br />

week <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> conclave had managed to get at mo'^t five or six<br />

votes, received all <strong>of</strong> a sudden fourteen and sixteen.^ On <strong>the</strong><br />

afternoon <strong>of</strong> September 20th it was generally believed that <strong>the</strong><br />

idea <strong>of</strong> his elevation by general homage was really intended,<br />

many <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Cardinals assembling toge<strong>the</strong>r, as if with this<br />

purpose, in <strong>the</strong> Pauline Chapel. His opponents, however,<br />

were also present, and persisted in remaining far into <strong>the</strong><br />

night, so that Carpi's favourable prospects again disappeared."<br />

1 *Avviso di Roma <strong>of</strong> September 23, 1559; "Ma si ragiona,<br />

che Medici habbia d'esser propost' a tutti per li molti favori,<br />

che li sono sopragionti contra ropinione di tutti della Regina di<br />

Franza." (Urb. 1039, p. 85, Vatican Library).<br />

2 C/. <strong>the</strong> **Letter <strong>of</strong> Caligari <strong>of</strong> September 12, 1559 (Papal<br />

Secret Archives).<br />

' *Avviso di Roma <strong>of</strong> September 9, 1559, loc. cit., p. 79.<br />

* Guadagno on September 20 to <strong>the</strong> Duke <strong>of</strong> Mantua ; see<br />

Appendix No. 2.<br />

* *List <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> scrutinies (State Archives, Munich) in Appendix<br />

No. I.<br />

^ BoNDONUs, 520. *Guadagno to <strong>the</strong> Duke <strong>of</strong> Mantua on<br />

September 20, 1559 (see Appendix No. 2). Guadagno expressly<br />

states what Miiller (p. 114) only calls a conjecture, that <strong>the</strong> whole<br />

" Farnese<br />

scene was staged only to make an impression on Este :<br />

per paura la sera fece mezo segno di voler andare ad adorare<br />

Carpi per far risolvere Ferrara."

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