The history of the popes, from the close of the middle ages : drawn ...

The history of the popes, from the close of the middle ages : drawn ...

The history of the popes, from the close of the middle ages : drawn ...


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German Protestant princes, Brandenburg and Saxony, he<br />

would indeed have attained a great deal. In view <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

attitude which <strong>the</strong> Danish sovereign had hi<strong>the</strong>rto taken up,<br />

however, <strong>the</strong>re appeared to be very little hope <strong>of</strong> success.<br />

In spite <strong>of</strong> this Pius IV. did not wish to leave any means<br />

untried.<br />

In order to carry out this visit to Denmark, Commendone<br />

required special letters <strong>of</strong> safe-conduct and recommendation<br />

<strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> Emperor, and <strong>the</strong>se could not be obtained very<br />

quickly. In <strong>the</strong> meantime <strong>the</strong> indefatigable nuncio employed<br />

<strong>the</strong> interval in carrying on fur<strong>the</strong>r work in <strong>the</strong> Ne<strong>the</strong>rlands<br />

to ensure <strong>the</strong> sending <strong>of</strong> delegates to <strong>the</strong> Council. On May 12th<br />

he proceeded by Malines and Louvain to Brussels, and during<br />

his stay <strong>the</strong>re (May 22nd) carried on negotiations with Marga-<br />

ret, <strong>the</strong> Governess <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Low Countries, and with Cardinal<br />

Granvelle, who both displayed great zeal for <strong>the</strong> Council<br />

<strong>The</strong>y, however, advised Commendone against <strong>the</strong> journey<br />

to Denmark, as being dangerous to his own person, and not<br />

in keeping with <strong>the</strong> dignity <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Pope. Commendone was,<br />

however, <strong>of</strong> opinion that it was <strong>the</strong> duty <strong>of</strong> a servant to carry<br />

out unconditionally <strong>the</strong> orders <strong>of</strong> his master, and that he<br />

should take no thought for his own danger. ^ At Louvain<br />

<strong>the</strong> nuncio had made inquiries concerning <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>ological<br />

controversies which had been stirred up by <strong>the</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essor<br />

Michael Baius, who was a lover <strong>of</strong> innovations ;<br />

he reported<br />

<strong>the</strong> facts to <strong>the</strong> Pope, giving him <strong>the</strong> shrewd advice, which<br />

Pius IV. followed, to impose silence on both Baius and his<br />

opponents.^<br />

In <strong>the</strong> person <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Bishop <strong>of</strong> Liege, Robert van Berghen,<br />

Commendone made <strong>the</strong> acquaintance <strong>of</strong> a prelate who was<br />

distinguished both for his learning and piety, and who showed<br />

an ardent zeal for <strong>the</strong> Council, although he was suffering <strong>from</strong><br />

serious illness. <strong>The</strong> nuncio left Liege on May 30th. During<br />

^ Cf. <strong>the</strong> letters <strong>of</strong> Commendone in Ehses, VIII., 205 seqq.<br />

* Cf. ibid., 221 seq. ; Pallavicini, is, 7, 7 seq., 11 seq. ; Susta,<br />

I., 34 seq., 49 seq. <strong>The</strong> affair <strong>of</strong> M. Baius will be dealt with later,<br />

in its proper place.

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