5.2 Perennials

5.2 Perennials

5.2 Perennials


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66<br />


Trifolium repens L.<br />

white clover, white Dutch clover, Dutch clover, trefle blanc<br />

per. -37° to -29° C Jun-Sep 10 cm NP<br />

Value for honey: HP3/4 16; H yield 27-90 kg/colony/season 17 ; N sugar concentration<br />

up to 64% 17 ; N flow heaviest in season following a year of excessive rain 72; N<br />

secretion best if soil is moist, air temperatures high, but less than 24°C and night<br />

temperatures less than 18°C, and on limestone soils ' 5 ; in B.C. T. repens is claimed not<br />

to yield unless temperatures are 24°C or over' ; N secretion is low on muck, sandy or<br />

lime-deficient soil and during periods of high humidity 17 ; N sugar concentration was<br />

increased with the addition of boron to the soi1 54 (application rate not indicated).<br />

N flow starts 10 days after the flowering begins and ceases toward the end of the<br />

blooming period 35 ; valuable to the beekeeper because it supplies a small amount of N<br />

over a long period".<br />

Intermediate and small type cvs. are considered to be more attractive to<br />

honeybees than the larger forms. For instance, Ladino clover (T. repens L. Forma<br />

lodigense Hort. ex Gams) a large form of white clover, is apparently a poor N and P<br />

source in some areas 54' 94 ; see Trifolium.<br />

Honey: bright yellow and clear; classed as extra-light amber to white; granulates rapidly<br />

with a slightly coarse grain (some observers disagree and contend that it granulates<br />

slowly with a fine smooth grain); flavour is mild and sweet 17.<br />

Notes: a crop plant that maintains itself in a mix with Kentucky blue grass, unlike most<br />

spp. which are easily crowded out; may be suitable for inclusion in a roadside mixture;<br />

sometimes grown as an ann.; grasslands, roadsides and open pastures and woods<br />

throughout Canada 23 ; see Trifolium.<br />

Trillium L.<br />

wake robin, birthroot, trillium, trille<br />

per. Jun 10-45 cm<br />

Value for pollen: minor importance where it is naturalized in woodlands and wild<br />

gardens.<br />

Tulipa kaufmanniana Regel<br />

water lily tulip<br />

per. (bulb) -29° to -23° C Apr-Jun 15-25 cm (N)P<br />

Value for honey: N sugar concentration of most tulips is low (approx. 5%) 8, but it<br />

may become more concentrated through evaporation in the open exposed blossom of the<br />

tulip; concentrated tulip N has been implicated in an occasional report of bee mortality,<br />

due to a large proportion of toxic sugars 8 ; see Section 10.<br />

Value for pollen: is sometimes attractive to bees for P; other single tulip spp. are also<br />

visited.<br />

Valeriana officinalis L.<br />

(syn. Valeriana excelsa Poir.)<br />

garden heliotrope, common valerian, corn salad, lamb's lettuce, heal all, herbe a la<br />

femme meurtrie, valerian, herbe aux chats<br />

per. -37° to -29° C Jul-early Aug 120 cm N 36<br />

Notes: commercially grown for its roots which are used medicinally (dried rhizomes<br />

yield valerian); clusters of whitish-pink to lavender flowers with a weedy appearance;<br />

McCutcheon, D. (1986). Personal communication.

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