5.2 Perennials

5.2 Perennials

5.2 Perennials


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60<br />

Notes: includes about 250 spp. of widely distributed herbs.<br />


Rudbeckia laciniata L.<br />

cut leaf coneflower, rudbeckie lacinee<br />

per. hardy Jul-Sep 2.2-4 m N"<br />

Value for honey: sometimes freely worked for N 35 ; see Rudbeckia .<br />

Notes: Even single flowers provide only a small amount of N 35 ; yellow flowers found<br />

growing wild from Que. to B.C., especially in rich low ground, w. Que., to Mont. S. to<br />

N.S., N.E. and beyond Can. range 23 .<br />

Salvia L. (see individual spp. for more detail)<br />

salvia, sage, ramona, sauge<br />

per. (bienn.) Jun-Jul<br />

Value for honey: HP4/6 16 ; S. mellifera Greene (black sage) is not often cultivated, but<br />

is usually credited as the principal source of sage H in N. America 72 ; S. nemorosa L.<br />

(wood sage) has a reported HP5 17 and occurs naturally in parts of the Okanagan and<br />

Fraser Valleys of B.C. Local opinion in B.C. holds that bees never collect anything<br />

from the common sage brush' in B.0 b.<br />

Honey: probably most of the many spp. of wild and cultivated sages give H with<br />

similar characteristics 72 ; considered to be some of the finest H on the market 72 ; classed<br />

as water-white; granulates extremely slowly (in some cases it has been known to stay<br />

liquid for years); heavy body; delightful flavour 1632 .<br />

Notes: includes more than 750 spp. of herbs, subshrubs and shrubs usually growing in<br />

dry to stony sites; flowers mostly large and showy in spiked racemes or panicled<br />

whorls 23 .<br />

Salvia officinalis L.<br />

garden sage, common sage, sauge, grand sauge, the de France<br />

per. -37° to -29° C Jun-Jul 20-70 cm N(P?)<br />

Value for honey: HP5/6 16; N sugar concentration 30-60% 17 .<br />

Honey: light and pale yellow in colour; classed as amber to white; granulates slowly,<br />

like most Salvia; aromatic flavour 17 ;<br />

Notes: much grown as a pot-herb or spice; commercially cultivated in the USA 51 .<br />

Salvia pratensis L.<br />

meadow sage, meadow clary, sauge des pres, sauge sauvage<br />

per. -37° to -29° C 60 cm N 35<br />

Value for honey: see Salvia.<br />

Notes: commonly cultivated; whorled racemes of (typically) bright violet blue or pink<br />

or white flowers; in cultivation flowers are extremely variable; naturalized in waste land,<br />

fields etc., Mass. and S. beyond Can. range 23 .<br />

Salvia x superba Stapf (: S. x sylvestris x S. villicaulis Both.)<br />

(syn. Salvia virgata Hort. not Jacq.; S. virgata nemorosa Hort.; S. nemorosa Mottet and<br />

auth., not L.)<br />

per. -23° to -21° C mid Jun-late Aug N 36<br />

Value for honey: HP4 (for Salvia x superba vars.) 16 ; see Salvia.<br />

a The common sage brush may refer to an Artemisia sp.<br />

b McCutcheon, D. (1986). Personal communication:

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