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·IBLIOGR.4PBT. B Du FRESNOY. Recueil de Dissertations sur les Apparitions, les Visions, et les Songes. 4 vols., 12mo. Paris. 1752. Containa Bibliography of works on the Occult Sciencea DUNTON (J. ) Young Student's Library, containing Extracts and Abridgments of the most valuable Books printed in England and in Foreign Journals, from 1665 to 1692, ... Folio. London: John Dunton. 1692. In which are analysed the works of Barrow and Usher, Jurieu'. True System of the Church, Tavernier'. Relations, Vindication of the Church of England against Bishop Bossuet, Stillingfleet's Origines Britannicz, Locke', Essay, Stanley'S History of Philosophy, Boyle's Writings, Cave's. Works, Dupin" Ecclesiastical Authon, ExtraclI from Enillah and Foreign Journals, &c. DUPIN (L. E.) Nouvelle Bibliotheque des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques, contenant I'Histoire de leur Vie, Ie Catalogue, la Critique, et la Chronologie de leur Ouvrages ..•. Par Louis Ellies Du Pin. 9 vols., 4to. Paris. 169-97. + Seconde Edition revue, corrigee & augmentee. 19 vols. Amsterdam and Utrltht. 1710-31. DUPIN. History of Ecclesiastical Writers to the close of the xv. Century, ..• being an Account of the several Books of the Bible, also the Lives and Writings of the Primitive Fathers, and of successive Authors and their Works to the XVI. Century, inclusive. Translated with Notes, by W. W[ otton]. IS vols., folio. London. 1696-1706. "Literally a library of ecclesiaatical and theological writen, containing almost eyerything of importance concerning the authon, the best editions of their works, and ample details of the lubjects which they embrace, with judicious criticism. on their manner of treating them. The liberality of his opinions was greatly beyond that of the Church to which he belonged. "-ORYL Se, Goujet, in/rile DUPLESSIS (G.) Bibliographie Paremiologiq ue, etc. 8vo. Paris. 1847. DURR.IE (D. S.) Bibliographia Genealogica Americana; an Alphabetical Index to American Genealogies and Pedigrees, contained in State, County and Town Histories, Printed Genealogies, and Kindred Works. By Daniel S. Durrie ... . 8vo, pp. xii, 5-296. A/bany, N. r.: Joel Munsl//. 1868. A work of much painstaking research, and indispensable to the genealogist. DURR.IE. Catalogue of the Library of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Prepared by Daniel S. Durrie, Librarian, and Isabel Durrie, Assistant. 2 vols., 8vo. Madison: Pub/ishld by Ord" of thl Statl. M.DCCC.LXXIII. + First Supplement ••. 8vo, pp. 383. Madisln, Wis.: E. B. Bo/ens, Statl Pri"t,. 1875. " Of . .-

Iii BIB L lOG RAP H T. DUT.HS (Lewis). Tablel Genealogiques des Heros des Romans; avec un Catalogue des principaux Ouvrages en ce genre. Oblong 4to. Lo1ldrts: Edwards. [1798.] A very curious work, printed on twenty-one pages, on one side the leaf only, one of which is occupied with a catalogue of the library of Don Quixote. DUYCKINCK (E. A. and G. L.) Cyclopzdia of American Literature; em bracing Personal and Critical Notices of Authors, and Selections from their Writings from the Earliest Period to the Present Day; with Portraits, Autographs and other Illustrations. By Evart A. Duyckinck and George L. Duyckinck. 2 vols., imp. 8vo, pp. xvi, 676; xiv, 781. + Supplement. NIW rorl: Charlts Scribntr. 1856. This lint edition is printed on thicker paper than those of a later date. One hundred copies were printed on large paper. The work containa personal and critical notices of authon, and selections from their writings, with 22 S woodcut portraits, 42. S facsimile autographs, and 7 S views of colleges, etc. The Supplement containa sketches of the old Spanish writen on America by Buckingham Smith, and notices of early French writers by John Gilmary Shea. EASTLAKE (C. L.) Contributions to the Literature of the Fine Arts. By Charles L. Eastlake. Second Edition. 2 vols., r1. 8vo. Portrait and Plates. London. 1870. EBELING (F. W.) England's Geschichtsschreiber. Von der friihesten bis auf un sere Zeit. Von Friedrich W. Ebeling. Mit einem Register und zwei Beilagen. 8vo, pp. xiv, 197. Berlin: Htrbig. 1852. Hnglands' Historians. From the earliest to the present time. EBERT (F. A.) Allgemeines Bibliographisches Lexikon. Von Friedrich Adolf Ebert. 2 vols., 4to. Ltipzig: Brockhaus. 1821-30. EBERT. A General Bibliographical Dictionary, from the German of Frederic Adolphus Ebert, Librarian to the King of Saxony, &c. 4 vols., 8vo. Oxford: at the Univtrsity Prtss. MDCCCXXXVII. A valuable and well executed work (on the plan of Brunet), necessary to all who cultivate bibliography. EDWARDS (E.) Edward Edwards. Libraries and Founders of Libraries. By 8vo. London: Trubntr and Co. 186S. Some copies were printed on large paper, royal 8vo. This valuable work is in a large measure baaed upon documents hitherto unused, and upon penonal examination of the principal collectiolll which are described.

Iii<br />

BIB L lOG RAP H T.<br />

DUT.HS (Lewis). Tablel Genealogiques des Heros des<br />

Romans; avec un Catalogue des principaux Ouvrages en ce<br />

genre. Oblong 4to. Lo1ldrts: Edwards. [1798.]<br />

A very curious work, printed on twenty-one pages, on one side the leaf only, one<br />

of which is occupied with a catalogue of the library of Don Quixote.<br />

DUYCKINCK (E. A. and G. L.) Cyclopzdia of American<br />

Literature; em bracing Personal and Critical Notices of Authors,<br />

and Selections from their Writings from the Earliest Period to<br />

the Present Day; with Portraits, Autographs and other Illustrations.<br />

By Evart A. Duyckinck and George L. Duyckinck. 2<br />

vols., imp. 8vo, pp. xvi, 676; xiv, 781. + Supplement.<br />

NIW rorl: Charlts Scribntr. 1856.<br />

This lint edition is printed on thicker paper than those of a later date. One<br />

hundred copies were printed on large paper. The work containa personal and critical<br />

notices of authon, and selections from their writings, with 22 S woodcut portraits,<br />

42. S facsimile autographs, and 7 S views of colleges, etc. The Supplement containa<br />

sketches of the old Spanish writen on America by Buckingham Smith, and notices<br />

of early French writers by John Gilmary Shea.<br />

EASTLAKE (C. L.) Contributions to the Literature of the<br />

Fine Arts. By Charles L. Eastlake. Second Edition. 2 vols.,<br />

r1. 8vo. Portrait and Plates. London. 1870.<br />

EBELING (F. W.) England's Geschichtsschreiber. Von der<br />

friihesten bis auf un sere Zeit. Von Friedrich W. Ebeling. Mit<br />

einem Register und zwei Beilagen. 8vo, pp. xiv, 197.<br />

Berlin: Htrbig. 1852.<br />

Hnglands' Historians. From the earliest to the present time.<br />

EBERT (F. A.) Allgemeines Bibliographisches Lexikon. Von<br />

Friedrich Adolf Ebert. 2 vols., 4to.<br />

Ltipzig: Brockhaus. 1821-30.<br />

EBERT. A General Bibliographical Dictionary, from the German<br />

of Frederic Adolphus Ebert, Librarian to the King of<br />

Saxony, &c. 4 vols., 8vo.<br />

Oxford: at the Univtrsity Prtss. MDCCCXXXVII.<br />

A valuable and well executed work (on the plan of Brunet), necessary to all who<br />

cultivate bibliography.<br />

EDWARDS (E.)<br />

Edward Edwards.<br />

Libraries and Founders of Libraries. By<br />

8vo. London: Trubntr and Co. 186S.<br />

Some copies were printed on large paper, royal 8vo. This valuable work is in a<br />

large measure baaed upon documents hitherto unused, and upon penonal examination<br />

of the principal collectiolll which are described.

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