Information and liaison bulletin - Institut kurde de Paris

Information and liaison bulletin - Institut kurde de Paris

Information and liaison bulletin - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Ôzeti<br />

SJjeiNeUritorkfêimeîS November 3, 2007<br />

Pressed by Turks, Rice Seeks to Solve Kurdish<br />

Rebel Threat While Urging Restraint<br />


<strong>and</strong> SABRINA TAVERNISE<br />

ANKARA, Turkey, Nov. 2 -<br />

Secretary of State Condoleezza<br />

Rice came un<strong>de</strong>r pressure Friday<br />

'<br />

1<br />

.<br />

.<br />

from Turkish lea<strong>de</strong>rs seeking<br />

American help to curb Kurdish<br />

guerrillas in northern Iraq. But it<br />

was not clear whether her public<br />

pronouncements at the outset of<br />

this long-awaited visit would be<br />

enough to satisfy them.<br />

During a string of meetings in<br />

the capital, Ankara, before head¬<br />

ing to Istanbul, Ms. Rice took<br />

pains to <strong>de</strong>monstrate support for<br />

Turkey. She called for restraint in<br />

Bush administration officials<br />

are in the middle of a <strong>de</strong>licate bal¬<br />

an attempt to forestall any Turk¬<br />

ish military incursion into north¬ With photos of Turkish soldiers killed by Kurdish rebels,<br />

ancing act, trying to shore up Mr.<br />

Erdogan's h<strong>and</strong> against those in<br />

ern Iraq, where the Kurdish . Turks in Istanbul <strong>de</strong>nounced the United States <strong>and</strong> the rebels his country calling for military<br />

rebels stage attacks on Turkey -,<br />

action. But they are also stren¬<br />

from mountain hi<strong>de</strong>-outs. yesterday.<br />

uously trying to avoid a new front<br />

"I think it's fair to say that we in the war, <strong>and</strong> Ms. Rice must<br />

all need to redouble our efforts,"<br />

,down the field of maneuver for Support for the United States find a way to give Mr. Erdogan<br />

Ms. Rice said at a press confer¬ the government," said liter ero<strong>de</strong>d further last month, when public backing while privately<br />

ence on Friday. "All across the Turan, a professor of political sci¬ a House committee approved a urging restraint.<br />

world we've seen that it's not ence at Bilgi University in Istan¬ resolution con<strong>de</strong>mning the mass Professor Turan said that<br />

easy to root out terrorism." bul. The political opposition is killings of Armenians by Otto¬ might not be enough. "This kind<br />

Turkish lea<strong>de</strong>rs continued to fanning nationalism, he said, <strong>and</strong> man Turks during World War I as of explanation is often seen as<br />

sound resolute. "Our expecta¬ with trust in the United States at genoci<strong>de</strong>. The full House did not buying time," he said. "I think<br />

tions of the United States are a low in Turkish society, it is "dif¬ vote on the resolution, but Tur¬ what the public wants to hear is<br />

very high," the foreign minister, ficult for the Turkish government key reacted angrily, threatening something concrete."<br />

Ali Babacan, said, st<strong>and</strong>ing next to appear that it is trusting the to shut off its territory as an Speaking to reporters on her<br />

to Ms. Rice. "We want action." Americans without some con¬ American supply hub for Iraq, flight to Ankara, Ms. Rice said<br />

Less than two weeks before crete results,"<br />

<strong>and</strong> recalling its ambassador pointedly that Turkey's problems<br />

Ms. Rice's visit, the Kurdish Mr. Erdogan will meet with from Washington.<br />

with the Kurds could not all be<br />

rebels, the Kurdistan Workers' Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Bush next week, <strong>and</strong> The Bush administration laid at America's door. "This<br />

op¬<br />

Party, killed 12 Turkish soldiers he reiterated this week that he posed the genoci<strong>de</strong> vote, <strong>and</strong> has<br />

didn't arise with the liberation of<br />

near the bor<strong>de</strong>r with Iraq, would not press for a large-scale worked to smooth things over<br />

Iraq," she<br />

worked to smooth things over<br />

Iraq," she said. "The problem has<br />

prompting Turkey to threaten a offensive, but that he expected<br />

been there, <strong>and</strong> no one has been<br />

since then. Ms. Rice <strong>de</strong>licately re¬<br />

military offensive. Turkey is a support from the United States.<br />

able to <strong>de</strong>al with it. And so now at<br />

ferred to the Armenian issue on<br />

NATO member <strong>and</strong> a strong<br />

least we have an Iraqi govern¬<br />

But with American forces al¬ Friday as "the events of 1915,"<br />

American ally in a troubled re¬<br />

ment that wants to <strong>de</strong>al with it."<br />

ready stretched thin in Iraq, but ma<strong>de</strong> no mention of the word<br />

gion, so a military offensive into<br />

But there is little trust between<br />

American military comm<strong>and</strong>ers genoci<strong>de</strong>, a term the Turks<br />

Iraq whose territory is con¬<br />

the Turks <strong>and</strong> the Iraqi govern¬<br />

have balked at taking action strongly reject.<br />

trolled by the United States mil¬<br />

ment; Mr. Babacan, the foreign<br />

against the rebels, known by Even within the Bush adminis¬<br />

itary could be <strong>de</strong>eply problem- minister, spoke Friday of doubts<br />

their initials, the P.K.K., <strong>and</strong> the tration, there has been criticism<br />

atic for all parties.<br />

about the efforts of the Iraqi gov¬<br />

Bush administration has focused that the United States, in more<br />

The Turkish prime minister,<br />

ernment to rein in the Kurdish<br />

its efforts on pressing Iraq's than four years in Iraq, should<br />

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has been<br />

guerrillas.<br />

Kurdish lea<strong>de</strong>rs, who control the have done more to rein in the<br />

skeptical of military action in the<br />

Ms. Rice is supposed to partici¬<br />

area in which the P.K.K. hi<strong>de</strong>s, to Kurdish guerrillas. Gen. Joseph<br />

past, <strong>and</strong> is well aware of the,<br />

pate with Iraqi <strong>and</strong> Turkish offi¬<br />

take action against the group. W. Ralston, who is retired from<br />

damage an offensive would inflict<br />

cials in a three-way discussion on<br />

Those lea<strong>de</strong>rs, however, say that the<br />

on Turkey, which is pressing for<br />

Air Force <strong>and</strong> until last month<br />

on Turkey, which is pressing for<br />

Air Force <strong>and</strong> until last month Saturday to try to come up with a<br />

it is impossible to dislodge the was the United States special en¬ joint plan that all si<strong>de</strong>s can agree<br />

acceptance into the European fighters from the remote moun¬ voy for countering the P.K.K., on. Administration officials said<br />

Union.<br />

tains where they hi<strong>de</strong>, <strong>and</strong> that told McClatchy Newspapers on that the American military had<br />

Few Turkish officials expect the only solution is through diplo¬<br />

collected a list of P.K.K. guerrillas<br />

the United States to offer military macy <strong>and</strong> amnesty.<br />

Friday that United States inac¬ <strong>and</strong> issued or<strong>de</strong>rs for American<br />

action, but a public display of The Kurdish rebel situation tion on the P.K.K. issue might forces to pick them up if they en¬<br />

support for Mr. Erdogan could "has now become, rightly or force Turkey to act. General Ral¬ counter them in Iraq. Beyond<br />

ease the pressure on him to wrongly, a test of where the Unit¬<br />

ston resigned hi£yx>st, adminis-:* that, American spy planes will<br />

choose military action.<br />

ed States holds Turkey," said Soli<br />

tration officials said, because he 1<br />

choose military action.<br />

ed States holds Turkey," said Soli<br />

tration officials said, because he 1 also feed intelligence to Turkish<br />

"The Americans are not being<br />

was<br />

Ozel, a professor of international<br />

frustrated with the failure of<br />

Ozel, a professor of international<br />

frustrated with the failure of forces on P.K.K. movements in<br />

concrete, <strong>and</strong> that is narrowing<br />

Iraq <strong>and</strong> the United States to do<br />

relations at Bilgi University.<br />

northern Iraq, administration of¬<br />

more in northern Iraq.<br />

ficials said.<br />


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