Information and liaison bulletin - Institut kurde de Paris

Information and liaison bulletin - Institut kurde de Paris

Information and liaison bulletin - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Ozeti<br />

AsiaTimes<br />

By Pepe Escobar<br />

November 2, 2007<br />

two double-crossing scenarios will inevitably take<br />

place. Washington simply cannot have its kebab<br />

<strong>and</strong> eat it too.<br />

The Bush administration's double st<strong>and</strong>ards are as<br />

glaring as meteor impacts. When, in the summer of<br />

2006, Israel used the capture of two of its soldiers<br />

by Hezbollah to unleash a pre-programmed <strong>de</strong>vas¬<br />

tating war on Lebanon, <strong>de</strong>stroying great swathes of<br />

the country, the Bush administration immediately<br />

gave the Israelis the green light. When 12 Turkish<br />

soldiers are killed <strong>and</strong> eight captured by PKK<br />

guerrillas based in Iraqi Kurdistan, the Bush admi¬<br />

nistration urges Ankara to take it easy.<br />

The "war on terror" is <strong>de</strong>finitely not an equalopportunity<br />

business. That has prompted Slovenian<br />

philosopher Slavoj Zizekto mischievously remark,<br />

regarding Turkey, "It's as if an intru<strong>de</strong>r has gate¬<br />

crashed the closed circle of 'we', the domain of<br />

those who hold the <strong>de</strong> facto monopoly on military<br />

humanitarianism."<br />

The US <strong>and</strong> Israeli establishment regards Hezbol¬<br />

lah as a group of evil super-terrorists. But the PKK<br />

consists of just "minor" terrorists, <strong>and</strong> very useful<br />

ones at that, since the US Central Intelligence<br />

Agency is covertly financing <strong>and</strong> arming the PJAK<br />

(Party for Free Life in Kurdistan), the Iranian arm of<br />

the PKK, whose mission is to "liberate" parts of<br />

northwest Iran.<br />

Not acci<strong>de</strong>ntally, the new PKK overdrive coinci<strong>de</strong>s<br />

with US - <strong>and</strong> also Israeli - covert support for the<br />

PJAK. Israel has not only invested a lot in scores of<br />

business ventures in Iraqi Kurdistan, it has also<br />

extensively trained Kurdish peshmerga special<br />

comm<strong>and</strong>os, who could easily share their kno¬<br />

wledge with their PKK cousins.<br />

The new PKK offensive coinci<strong>de</strong>s with a PKK flush<br />

with new mortars, anti-tank weapons, rocketpropelled<br />

grena<strong>de</strong>s <strong>and</strong> even anti-aircraft missiles.<br />

And most of all, the PKK drive coinci<strong>de</strong>s with the<br />

mysteriously vanished scores of light weapons the<br />

Pentagon sent to Iraq with no serial numbers to<br />

i<strong>de</strong>ntify 97% of them.<br />

The person responsible for this still unsolved<br />

mystery is none other than the counterinsurgency<br />

messiah <strong>and</strong> top comm<strong>and</strong>er in Iraq, General<br />

David Petraeus. The suspicion that the Pentagon<br />

never wanted these weapons to be traced in the first<br />

place cannot be easily dismissed. Either that or the<br />

PKK has been very active lately in the black market<br />

for light weapons.<br />

The Turkish-Israeli plan<br />

US corporate media totally ignore the US/Israeli<br />

coddling of the PJAK - <strong>and</strong> by extension the PKK.<br />

The larger context is lost. No one bothers to ask<br />

how come the Bush administration seems to be<br />

such a huge fan of a greater Kurdistan.<br />

As much as the PJAK - <strong>and</strong> the PKK - use Ameri¬<br />

can largesse for greater Kurdistan ends, the Bush<br />

administration uses especially the PJAK for its<br />

wi<strong>de</strong>r "war on terror" target: the <strong>de</strong>stabilization of<br />

Iran. Turkish-US relations in this case are no more<br />

than a casualty of war. Now the Turks are up not<br />

only against Massoud Barzani's Kurdistan Regional<br />

Government (KRG), but also the US <strong>and</strong> the Euro¬<br />

pean Union in Brussels. And in addition, the PKK<br />

<strong>de</strong>nies it has attacked Turkey out of Iraqi Kurdistan.<br />

Turkey has angrily reacted to the US Senate propo¬<br />

sal for "soft" partition of Iraq. This is the famous US<br />

"Plan B" for Iraq - more an "A" than a "B" because it<br />


Double-crossing in Kurdistan<br />

was floated years ago. And the authors are Israel<br />

<strong>and</strong> ... the Turks themselves.<br />

The plan has been extensively documented, among<br />

others, by the Center for Research at the Kurdish<br />

Library in New York. According to its "Kurdish Life"<br />

newsletter, "Back in 1990, Turkey's then prime<br />

minister Turgut Ozal ma<strong>de</strong> a <strong>de</strong>al with the US <strong>and</strong><br />

Kurdish lea<strong>de</strong>rs Massoud Barzani <strong>and</strong> Jalal Talabani.<br />

Mastermin<strong>de</strong>d by an Israel obsessed with<br />

breaking up the 'sea of Arabs' in the Middle East,<br />

the plan has procee<strong>de</strong>d apace ever since, influen¬<br />

cing <strong>and</strong> directing virtually all of Washington's<br />

political <strong>and</strong> military tactics in Iraq. And yet even<br />

today it remains nobody's business."<br />

The Israeli mastermind was Leslie Gelb, a relative¬<br />

ly mo<strong>de</strong>rate Zionist. The plan duly featured in the<br />

Turkish press at the time. It proposed a fe<strong>de</strong>ral Iraq,<br />

with a Kurdistan, a section of Kirkuk <strong>and</strong> Mosul for<br />

the Turkomans; <strong>and</strong> the rest, in fact most of the<br />

country, for "the Arabs", Sunni <strong>and</strong> Shi'ite alike.<br />

To get their autonomous mini-state, the Iraqi Kurds<br />

just had to guarantee to smash the PKK. As for<br />

Turkish Kurds, the Turkish prime minister's spo¬<br />

kesman said at the time that since "two-thirds of<br />

Turkey's Kurds are scattered through the country"<br />

<strong>and</strong> the rest "fully integrated into Turkish society",<br />

they would have no business dreaming about<br />

autonomy.<br />

Barzani <strong>and</strong> Jalal Talabani, Iraqi Kurdish lea<strong>de</strong>rs,<br />

rival warlords <strong>and</strong> wily opportunists, duly fulfilled<br />

their part of the <strong>de</strong>al - especially in October 1992<br />

during a joint offensive with the Turkish army<br />

against the PKK. They may have sold out the PKK<br />

15 years ago, but that won't happen again; at least<br />

that's what the two have vocally promised. For their<br />

part, the PJAK-PKK have been tremendously<br />

helpful for the Bush administration agenda of "<strong>de</strong>s¬<br />

tabilizing" Iran.<br />

The Kurdish Life newsletter argues that the cause of<br />

Turkey's current woes is not the US or the Iraqi<br />

Kurds. It's a self-inflicted wound, all spelled out in<br />

Ozal's plan. "With his untimely <strong>de</strong>ath in 1993, the<br />

plan was revised, with an autonomous Iraqi Kurdis¬<br />

tan to inclu<strong>de</strong> Kirkuk, <strong>and</strong> more, <strong>and</strong> the remain<strong>de</strong>r<br />

of Iraq to be divi<strong>de</strong>d between Sunni <strong>and</strong> Shi'ite<br />

Arabs. The Republicans of the Bush administration<br />

cemented it into the Iraqi constitution un<strong>de</strong>r the<br />

rubric 'fe<strong>de</strong>ration'."<br />

That's no less than the "soft" partition the US Se¬<br />

nate recently voted for. That's the future Washing¬<br />

ton wants for Iraqi Kurdistan. And that's the scheme<br />

the US - <strong>and</strong> Israel - don't want their ally<br />

Turkey to spoil by attacking the PKK in Iraqi Kurdis¬<br />

tan. No won<strong>de</strong>r the Turkish lea<strong>de</strong>rship - not to<br />

mention Turkish public opinion - is fuming.<br />

Chronicle of an invasion foretold<br />

To compound this misery, the much-touted Turkish<br />

invasion has been in the making for months. As<br />

early as March, Bush administration officials were<br />

promising the Turks that US special<br />

forces would dislodge the PKK from the Q<strong>and</strong>il<br />

mountains. Nothing happened.<br />

In April, Barzani was threatening "to take responsi¬<br />

bility for our response" if the Turks interfered with a<br />

referendum on the integration of oil-rich Kirkuk into<br />

Kurdistan. Also in April, the US prohibited Turkish<br />

cross-bor<strong>de</strong>r raids, according to the Turkish daily<br />

Sabah. The massing of Turkish soldiers at the Iraqi<br />

bor<strong>de</strong>r started in May.<br />

Then in June, Turkish General Yasar Buyukanit<br />

virtually spelled out in public what this was all<br />

about, "There is not only the PKK in northern Iraq.<br />

There is Massoud Barzani as well. Turkey cannot<br />

afford an in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt Kurdish state hea<strong>de</strong>d by<br />

Barzani on its southern bor<strong>de</strong>r." Barzani - who for<br />

Turkish popular media is the country's public<br />

enemy number one - answered back with a star¬<br />

tling concept; he said that if Turkey inva<strong>de</strong>d, "We<br />

would <strong>de</strong>al with it as an Iraqi issue."<br />

So what kind of Kurdish "sovereignty" is this? Iraqi<br />

Kurds <strong>de</strong>test, <strong>and</strong> ignore, the Baghdad government<br />

like the plague, <strong>and</strong> prize their in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce; but as<br />

soon as they're threatened, they instantly seek<br />

refuge un<strong>de</strong>r Baghdad's (clipped) wings.<br />

Kurdistan <strong>and</strong> its mountainous 75,000 square<br />

kilometers is not really Iraq. Baghdad is an entity<br />

far, far away. Iraqi Kurdistan has its own constitu¬<br />

tion, parliament, anthem, legal co<strong>de</strong>, language,<br />

currency <strong>and</strong> media - <strong>and</strong> most of all the welltrained<br />

peshmerga army. A <strong>de</strong>mocracy it is not -<br />

because virtually everything is subordinated to the<br />

two warlords turned politicians, Barzani <strong>and</strong> Tala¬<br />

bani.<br />

The KRG has paid the price for Kurdistan as a<br />

"mo<strong>de</strong>l" of a functioning Iraq by collaborating noholds-barred<br />

with the US since the early 1990s. In<br />

June, Barzani confirmed that the PKK is an Iraqi<br />

problem, "A Turkish invasion would be first of all an<br />

attack on Iraqi sovereignty, <strong>and</strong> then an attack on<br />

the Kurds." Following Barzani's logic, since Iraq is<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r occupation, the Turks would be actually<br />

invading a colonial possession of the US. Thus it<br />

should be Petraeus to confront the Turks about what<br />

they're up to. Washington in a way has proved its<br />

point: Iraqi Kurdistan is a fragile entity that only<br />

exists because it always <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>d on American<br />

protection.<br />

Turkey <strong>and</strong> Iran, united<br />

Kurdistan's pull in Washington is guaranteed thanks<br />

largely to Qubad Talabani, son of Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Jalal<br />

Talabani, also known in Kurdistan as "Uncle Jalal".<br />

While dad sells Kurdistan as an indisputable suc¬<br />

cess story, son lobbies furiously, to the extent that<br />

Frank Lavin, US un<strong>de</strong>r secretary of commerce for<br />

international tra<strong>de</strong>, recently went to Kurdistan to<br />

promote it as a gateway for US businesses in Iraq.<br />

But to believe that Ankara will tolerate an oil-rich,<br />

water-rich Kurdish mini-state on its southeast<br />

bor<strong>de</strong>r, creating a magnet for Kurdish minorities in<br />

Turkey, Iran <strong>and</strong> Syria, is to believe in miracles.<br />

Not only Turkey <strong>and</strong> Iran are vehemently against it,<br />

but also Saudi Arabia (the House of Saud believing<br />

that a Kurdistan counterpart - Shi'iteistan in sou¬<br />

thern Iraq - would be subservient to Iran). What the<br />

Bush administration's games have achieved so far<br />

is to unite Turkey <strong>and</strong> Iran on the issue.<br />

Turkey regards the Kurds just like China regards<br />

Tibetans <strong>and</strong> Uighurs; they are part of a unitary<br />

Turkish state <strong>and</strong> have no right to autonomy. If<br />

Washington con<strong>de</strong>mns China for its repression of<br />

Tibetans <strong>and</strong> Uighurs, it should behave the same<br />

way regarding Turkey. Not only will this not hap¬<br />

pen, but now the Americans need the Turks more<br />

than the Turks need the Americans.<br />

A true measure of White House <strong>and</strong> neoconservative<br />

<strong>de</strong>speration to facilitate the relentless<br />

surge towards war on Iran is whether it would be<br />

willing to plunge Iraqi Kurdistan into war, compro¬<br />

mise the Turkish-Iraq corridor (through wich flows<br />

70% of US supplies to Iraq) <strong>and</strong> future US Big Oil<br />

investments in Iraqi Kurdistan.<br />

Barzani keeps insisting he <strong>and</strong> Washington are in<br />


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