Information and liaison bulletin - Institut kurde de Paris

Information and liaison bulletin - Institut kurde de Paris

Information and liaison bulletin - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Ôzeti<br />

lieraiOi^fc ©nbunc.<br />


November 19, 2007<br />

From news reports<br />

As violence in Iraq ebbs,<br />

role of Iran is examined<br />

BAGHDAD: Violence was down 55<br />

percent in Iraq since the U.S. troop<br />

buildup began this summer, but it was'<br />

unclear what role Iran played in the<br />

downturn, U.S. officials said Sunday,<br />

tempering recent optimism about<br />

Tehran's waning support for militants<br />

with warnings that more needs to be<br />

done.<br />

Washington has accused Iran of<br />

training, arming <strong>and</strong> funding Shiite ex¬<br />

tremists insi<strong>de</strong> Iraq. In recent weeks,<br />

U.S. <strong>and</strong> Iraqi officials have said that<br />

Tehran appears to have halted the flow<br />

of arms across its bor<strong>de</strong>r into Iraq <strong>and</strong><br />

reined in Shiite militias.<br />

An Iraqi government spokesman, Ali<br />

al-Dabbagh, said Saturday that Tehran<br />

had helped to persua<strong>de</strong> the Shiite cleric<br />

Moktada al-Sadr to ask his Mahdi mili¬<br />

tia to halt attacks. Sadr or<strong>de</strong>red his mili¬<br />

tia to stop using weapons in early<br />

September, <strong>and</strong> officials said that the<br />

st<strong>and</strong>-down by Mahdi members had<br />

helped improve stability. They said it<br />

also seemed to have helped <strong>de</strong>crease the<br />

frequency of attacks with explosively US. soldiers resting after a patrol in a village south of Baghdad. Iraqi <strong>and</strong> US. officials<br />

formed penetrators, a powerful type of<br />

attributed a recent <strong>de</strong>cline in attacks to more troops <strong>and</strong> fewer weapons in the country.<br />

bomb that can pierce heavy armor.<br />

Since Sadr gave his or<strong>de</strong>r in mid-<br />

September, the numbers ofuni<strong>de</strong>ntified in the U.S.-guar<strong>de</strong>d Green Zone in hang.<br />

bodies found on the streets of Baghdad Baghdad, continuing "to draw direct His execution was halted while the<br />

daily had rarely excee<strong>de</strong>d a half-dozen. lines from that data to say that there judiciary <strong>and</strong> the government reviewed<br />

When his militia was active, there were are fewer attacks <strong>and</strong> conclu<strong>de</strong> that the case after objections from Kurds<br />

often as many as 30 or more uni<strong>de</strong>nti¬ there's a particular reason for it." <strong>and</strong> Sunni Arabs, who believed he was<br />

fied bodies found daily. "The freezing He ad<strong>de</strong>d: "Vis-à-vis Iran's action not responsible for the policies he was<br />

of the Mahdi Army makes us feel they that is something we're not yet pre¬ forced to enact. (AP, IHT)<br />

have good intentions," Dabbagh said. pared to do."<br />

"Iran played a role in this."<br />

Overall, attacks in Iraq had fallen 55<br />

Dabbagh said that the turning point percent since nearly 30,000 U.S. rein¬<br />

17 killed in bomb attacks<br />

Dabbagh said that the turning point percent since nearly 30,000 U.S. rein¬<br />

17 killed in bomb attacks<br />

came when Prime Minister Nuri Kamal forcements arrived in Iraq by June, said<br />

al-Maliki visited Iran in August <strong>and</strong> Rear Admiral Gregory Smith, a U.S. At least 17 people were killed Sunday<br />

met with its supreme lea<strong>de</strong>r, Ayatollah military spokesman. Some areas were by explosions across Iraq, Iraqi police<br />

Ali Khamenei, in the Shiite shrine city at their lowest levels of violence since <strong>and</strong> officials said, according to Reuters.<br />

of Mashad. Maliki told the Iranian lead¬ the summer of 2005, he said.<br />

Nine people were killed <strong>and</strong> at least<br />

er that "Iran had to choose whether to Iraqi civilian casualties were down 20 were woun<strong>de</strong>d in one of the worst at¬<br />

support the government or any other 60 percent across the country since tacks in Baghdad in several weeks,<br />

party <strong>and</strong> Iraq will <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong> according to June, <strong>and</strong> the figure for Baghdad was which the police said targeted Salman<br />

which they choose," Dabbagh said. even better 75 percent, Smith said. al-Mugotar, an adviser with the Finance<br />

The Iranians promised to help <strong>and</strong> Dabbagh also said Saturday that the Ministry.<br />

have done so, hë said.<br />

Shiite-dominated government was A Finance Ministry source said that<br />

Dabbagh's comments echoed those of making renewed efforts to bring back Mugotar was unhurt in the blast in<br />

the U.S. military here, who in recent Sunni Arab ministers who had been Hurriya Square in the capital's Karrada<br />

days had gone out of their way to pub¬ boycotting the government for more district, but that his security guards<br />

licly acknowledge Iran's role in helping than four months.<br />

were reported to have been woun<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

to slow the flow of weapons into the He said that the government wanted Brigadier-General Abdul-Karim<br />

country.<br />

the Sunni Arab bloc to return <strong>and</strong> that Khalaf, a spokesman for the Interior<br />

But U.S. officials said Sunday that it he believed a government with the bloc Ministry, said the car that was targeted<br />

was too early to <strong>de</strong>termine Iran's role in in it "was better than one without it." belonged to Satar Jabar, chief editor of<br />

a recent sharp downturn in violence. In one concession, Maliki has ma<strong>de</strong> a the New al-Bayna newspaper.<br />

"It's unclear to us what role the Iranians point of allowing a lengthy <strong>de</strong>bate <strong>and</strong> He said Jabar was riding in the car<br />

might have had in these <strong>de</strong>velopments, review on the execution of Sultan but was also unharmed. He gave a lower<br />

if any," said Philip Reeker, spokesman Hashim Ahmed, minister of <strong>de</strong>fense <strong>de</strong>ath toll for the attack.<br />

for the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. un<strong>de</strong>r Saddam Hussein. In September, A Reuters witness at the scene saw<br />

"It's difficult to read trends in reduc¬ Hashim was found guilty of crimes two burned corpses in the back of a po¬<br />

tions," Reeker said at a news conference against humanity <strong>and</strong> sentenced to lice truck.<br />

Patrkk Baz/Ag*nc<br />


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