Information and liaison bulletin - Institut kurde de Paris

Information and liaison bulletin - Institut kurde de Paris

Information and liaison bulletin - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Ozeti<br />

* the Australian<br />

November 16. 2007<br />

Raid into Iraq imminent, Turkish general says<br />

TURKEY is in the process of implementing a cross-bor<strong>de</strong>r operation against Kurdish guerrillas<br />

who use northern Iraq as a base to launch attacks, a senior Turkish general said today.<br />

From correspon<strong>de</strong>nts in Ankara<br />

But there were no immediate signs of increased<br />

military activity along Turkey's mountainous<br />

bor<strong>de</strong>r with Iraq on overnight, Reuters reporters in<br />

the region said, suggesting any offensive may still<br />

be in the preparatory stages.<br />

"We are in the process of implementing the crossbor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

operation," General llker Basbug, head of<br />

the l<strong>and</strong> forces <strong>and</strong> the second most powerful man<br />

in the armed forces, said at a diplomatic recep¬<br />

tion.<br />

Gen Basbug did not specify what he meant by<br />

implementing an operation, but the military has<br />

for weeks been boosting their presence along the<br />

bor<strong>de</strong>r.<br />

Analysts also say authorities have stepped up the<br />

rhetoric to pressure US <strong>and</strong> Iraqi authorities to<br />

move against the rebels.<br />

Turkey has amassed as many as 100,000 troops,<br />

backed by warplanes, helicopters <strong>and</strong> tanks, for a<br />

possible cross-bor<strong>de</strong>r incursion to root out the<br />

separatist rebels, blamed by Ankara for a series of<br />

attacks on its security personnel.<br />


A Reuters reporter in the northern Iraqi town of<br />

Zakhu, which is close to the bor<strong>de</strong>r with Turkey,<br />

said he could not hear any explosions or the sound<br />

of aircraft flying overhead.<br />

The situation in the town appeared normal, he<br />

said.<br />

One senior US military official in Baghdad said he<br />

was not immediately aware of any Turkish action.<br />

Officials from the Iraqi government could not be<br />

reached for comment.<br />

Yesterday security sources said Turkey had sent<br />

hundreds of special forces to the bor<strong>de</strong>r to bolster<br />

its forces there.<br />

Washington has urged Ankara to avoid a large-scale<br />

incursion, fearing it could <strong>de</strong>stabilise the most<br />

peaceful part of Iraq <strong>and</strong> cause a bigger regional<br />

crisis.<br />

Gen Basbug's comments followed a reaffirmation<br />

by the government this week that Turkey was<br />

ready to carry out an offensive against some 3000<br />

Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants based in<br />

the mountains of northern Iraq.<br />

The PKK took up arms in 1984 with the aim of<br />

creating an ethnic homel<strong>and</strong> in mainly Kurdish<br />

southeast Turkey.<br />

Nearly 40,000 people have been killed in the<br />

conflict.<br />

NATO-member Turkey has staged limited raids,<br />

predominantly air strikes, in the past month across<br />

the mountainous frontier against the rebels.<br />

"Turkish armed forces have been doing crossbor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

operations for years <strong>and</strong> they has been<br />

November 15 2007 By Wesley Clark<br />

Just over a week after US presi¬ m<strong>and</strong>s for a <strong>de</strong>cisive military solu¬<br />

<strong>de</strong>nt George W. Bush <strong>and</strong> Re¬ tion. Turkish popular opinion stron¬<br />

cep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey's gly supported attacks on rebel base<br />

prime minister, met in Washington, camps insi<strong>de</strong> Iraqi Kurdistan, <strong>and</strong><br />

Turkish troops remained poised to the Turkish armed forces have<br />

move across the bor<strong>de</strong>r into Iraqi mobilised more than 100,000<br />

Kurdistan in an attempt to <strong>de</strong>stroy troops on the Iraqi bor<strong>de</strong>r, setting<br />

elements of the Kurdistan Workers the stage for a massive Turkish<br />

party (PKK). We can only hope that invasion of northern Iraq that would<br />

a solution based on the i<strong>de</strong>a of joint have disastrous consequences.<br />

co-operation against the PKK that<br />

seemed to be forged in the Oval<br />

Office meeting, focusing on diplo¬<br />

matic engagement between the US,<br />

Turkey, Iraq <strong>and</strong> the Kurdistan<br />

Regional Government, will trump<br />

the still-looming military assault.<br />

On paper all wars seem simple.<br />

Turkish military planners may hope<br />

that one bold thrust into Iraqi Kur¬<br />

distan will, once <strong>and</strong> for all, eradi¬<br />

cate the PKK. A glance at what<br />

soldiers call the "troop-to-task" ratio<br />

might suggest that the job could be<br />

The Turks are un<strong>de</strong>rst<strong>and</strong>ably done quickly. Turkey has a very<br />

angry <strong>and</strong> ready for war. Accumula¬ good army <strong>and</strong> it would seem<br />

ted frustrations over recent attacks feasible that 100,000 well-trained<br />

by the PKK erupted in public <strong>de</strong>- <strong>and</strong> fully equipped Turkish troops<br />

successful so far," Gen Basbug said, answering<br />

criticism about the effectiveness of previous<br />

offensives in northern Iraq.<br />

He said that if such operations had not been carried<br />

out there would be 10,000 rebels rather than the<br />

5000 PKK fighters estimated to be in Iraq <strong>and</strong><br />

Turkey.<br />

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said this<br />

week a military operation was still planned, <strong>de</strong>spite<br />

logistical difficulties as winter closes in across the<br />

rugged region.<br />

Last week, Mr Erdogan urged US Presi<strong>de</strong>nt George<br />

W. Bush in Washington to crack down on the<br />

militants.<br />

Invasion is wrong answer to<br />

Turkey's problems<br />

could quickly capture or kill 3,000<br />

PKK rebels hiding in an area so¬<br />

mewhat larger than Maryl<strong>and</strong>.<br />

But war is never simple. The friction<br />

<strong>and</strong> fog of war always conspire to<br />

make the actual combat far more<br />

complex, time consuming <strong>and</strong><br />

bloodier than the sterile <strong>and</strong> opti¬<br />

mistic plans written in the comfort of<br />

remote headquarters. Even a milita¬<br />

ry genius like Alex<strong>and</strong>er the Great<br />

was stalled by the inhospitable<br />

terrain of southern Turkey <strong>and</strong><br />

northern Iraq. Despite popular<br />

longing for a quick military solution,<br />

a Turkish invasion of Iraq would<br />

bring only stalemate, frustration <strong>and</strong><br />

- more ominously - <strong>de</strong>stabilise the<br />

region, un<strong>de</strong>rmine US-Turkish<br />

relations for <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s, <strong>and</strong> jeopar¬<br />

dise the stability <strong>and</strong> prosperity of<br />

Iraq has pledged to hunt down <strong>and</strong> arrest PKK<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>rs. But Baghdad has little influence over the<br />

semi-autonomous Kurdish region in the north <strong>and</strong><br />

the success of any measures against the PKK would<br />

<strong>de</strong>pend on cooperation of Kurdish authorities.<br />

Turkey's parliament approved last month a go¬<br />

vernment request to be able to launch cross-bor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

operations into northern Iraq.<br />

Iraq's Kurdistan region.<br />

Turkey will certainly benefit by<br />

continuing on the more creative <strong>and</strong><br />

diplomatic path now being pursued<br />

by Mr Erdogan. He has secured a<br />

US promise to share intelligence<br />

<strong>and</strong> to co-operate in neutralising<br />

PKK elements in Iraq <strong>and</strong> preven¬<br />

ting their movement across the<br />

bor<strong>de</strong>r. He should open a dialogue<br />

with the KRG to formulate joint<br />

measures to prevent the PKK from<br />

striking Turkey from Iraqi territory.<br />

To that end, he needs to embrace<br />

the establishment of four-party talks<br />

between Turkey, Iraq, the US <strong>and</strong><br />

the KRG. This must be the way<br />

forward.<br />

War is not the answer, especially<br />

given the creative alternatives<br />


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