Information and liaison bulletin - Institut kurde de Paris

Information and liaison bulletin - Institut kurde de Paris

Information and liaison bulletin - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Ôzeti<br />

men <strong>and</strong> women into Lebanon's Bekaa<br />

valley for training by Palestinian militants.<br />

By the 1990s swathes of Turkey's rugged<br />

Kurdish mountainsi<strong>de</strong> had fallen un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

guerrilla control. The army's response was<br />

a scorched-earth campaign that drove<br />

more than lm Kurdish villagers out of<br />

their homes. Robbed of its logistical base,<br />

the PKK fell into <strong>de</strong>cline.<br />

The group's fortunes were even har<strong>de</strong>r hit<br />

by the capture in 1999 of its lea<strong>de</strong>r, Ab¬<br />

dullah Ocalan, by Turkish secret agents in<br />

Nairobi. His subsequent recanting he<br />

called the rebellion "a mistake" <strong>and</strong> offe¬<br />

red to "serve the Turkish state" is well<br />

documented. But little is known about Mr<br />

Ocalan's personal life <strong>and</strong> Ms Marcus helps<br />

to lift the veil shrouding a lea<strong>de</strong>r who used<br />

to shuttle between villas in Damascus <strong>and</strong><br />

Aleppo while his fighters roughed it in the<br />

mountains. Deserters <strong>and</strong> dissi<strong>de</strong>nts<br />

would be summarily executed. In<strong>de</strong>ed Mr<br />

Ocalan did not hesitate to or<strong>de</strong>r the<br />

<strong>de</strong>aths of women <strong>and</strong> children if they were<br />

ËDaîlyNëWS November 16, 2007<br />

related to members of a stateemployed<br />

Kurdish militia that fought alongsi<strong>de</strong> the<br />

Turkish army.<br />

"Ocalan was so convinced of his strength",<br />

writes Ms Marcus, "that he began to<br />

believe the PKK's actions were behind<br />

many world events." Such was his vanity<br />

that when he played football with his men,<br />

he insisted that someone kept track of<br />

each goal he scored. When one hapless<br />

militant lost count, Ocalan started shou¬<br />

ting, "You bum, how could you forget four<br />

of my goals."<br />

From his isl<strong>and</strong> prison off the coast of<br />

Istanbul where he is serving a life sen¬<br />

tence on treason charges, Mr Ocalan suc¬<br />

cee<strong>de</strong>d in remaining in control of his out¬<br />

fitat least until the Americans occupied<br />

Iraq in 2003. Shamed by the big gains<br />

that the Iraqi Kurds ma<strong>de</strong> un<strong>de</strong>r America's<br />

protection, the PKK escalated its campaign<br />

in 2004. Whether it did so with Mr Ocala¬<br />

n's approval remains unclear. But it is<br />

plain that his lea<strong>de</strong>rship has become in<br />

creasingly symbolic <strong>and</strong> that a new gene¬<br />

ration of hardliners is gaining the upper<br />

h<strong>and</strong>.<br />

What is missing from Ms Marcus's<br />

excellent reporting is the growing appeal<br />

of Turkey's ruling Justice <strong>and</strong> De¬<br />

velopment (AK) party to Turkish Kurds. A<br />

mixture of social-welfare schemes <strong>and</strong><br />

Islamic piety helped AK to trounce the<br />

biggest pro-PKK party in many of its for¬<br />

mer strongholds at the general election<br />

last July. One reason for the increase in<br />

PKK militancy is to goad the government<br />

into a cross-bor<strong>de</strong>r attack which would, in<br />

turn, drain it of its growing support among<br />

the_ Kurds..<br />

Blood <strong>and</strong> Belief: The PKK <strong>and</strong> the Kurdish<br />

Fight for In<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce.<br />

By Aliza Marcus.<br />

New York University Press; 368 pages;<br />

$35 <strong>and</strong> £22.50<br />

Iraq to blacklist firms which signed oil <strong>de</strong>als with Kurdish<br />

Gulf Daily News<br />

RIYADH: Iraq warned yes¬<br />

terday that foreign oil com¬<br />

panies which signed <strong>de</strong>als with<br />

the autonomous Kurdish regio¬<br />

nal government will be barred<br />

from doing business in the<br />

country <strong>and</strong> from exporting oil.<br />

"Any company that has signed<br />

contracts without the approval<br />

of the fe<strong>de</strong>ral authority of Iraq<br />

will not have any chance of<br />

working with the government<br />

of Iraq," Oil Minister Hussein<br />

Shahristani said.<br />

"We warned the companies<br />

QIEIB NEWS 16 November 2007<br />

regional government<br />

that there will be consequen¬<br />

ces... that Iraq will not allow<br />

its oil to be exported," Shahris¬<br />

tani said on the si<strong>de</strong>lines of<br />

Opec meetings in Riyadh.<br />

Last week, the Kurdish authori¬<br />

ties signed seven productionsharing<br />

contracts with a num¬<br />

ber of foreign oil companies in<br />

<strong>de</strong>fiance of the Iraqi central<br />

government <strong>and</strong> before appro¬<br />

ving a<br />

law.<br />

controversial fe<strong>de</strong>ral oil<br />

The latest contracts bring to 15<br />

the number of <strong>de</strong>als finalised<br />

by the Kurdish regional go¬<br />

vernment since it passed its<br />

own oil law in August.<br />

The regional administration<br />

said 85 per cent of the returns<br />

from the foreign <strong>de</strong>als would<br />

be for Iraq <strong>and</strong> the rest would<br />

go to the contractor.<br />

The Kurdish government's<br />

minister for natural resources<br />

Ashti Hawrami said last week<br />

that with the signing of the<br />

latest contracts, 20 internatio¬<br />

nal oil companies are now<br />

working in the region.<br />

He said talks were ongoing<br />

with foreign firms over 24 new<br />

oil blocks in the oil-rich north<br />

<strong>and</strong> that announcements would<br />

be ma<strong>de</strong> soon.<br />

But Shahristani warned that<br />

foreign firms which sign<br />

contracts with the Kurds risk<br />

being blacklisted by Iraq. "Our<br />

position is that any company<br />

that signs a contract without<br />

the approval of the fe<strong>de</strong>ral<br />

authority will compromise their<br />

chances of getting business in<br />

future in Iraq," he said.(afp)<br />

Legal action to ban Kurdish party<br />

Turkish prosecutors have reportedly moved to ban a pro-Kurdish political party in Turkey that has been ac¬<br />

cused of colluding with Kurdish rebels.<br />

Supreme Court prosecutors asked the<br />

Constitutional Court to bar the Demo¬<br />

cratic Society Party (DTP), the state-run<br />

Anatolian news agency said.<br />

They allege the DTP is linked to the ban¬<br />

ned Kurdistan Wor_ kers' Party (PKK).<br />

The legal action comes amid tensions with<br />

Iraq over Turkey's threat to make crossbor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

attacks on PKK bases.<br />

The DTP, which is represented in parlia¬<br />

ment, has called on Ankara to grant auto¬<br />

nomy to Turkey's mainly Kurdish south¬<br />

east.<br />

'Step backwards'<br />

Foun<strong>de</strong>d in 2005, the DTP <strong>de</strong>nies any links<br />

to the PKK, which is <strong>de</strong>signated a terrorist<br />

group by Turkey, the US <strong>and</strong> the EU.<br />

DTP <strong>de</strong>puty Sirri Sakik said the legal ac¬<br />

tion was a step backwards for Turkey in<br />

terms of <strong>de</strong>mocracy.<br />

"Turkey is becoming a cemetery of ban¬<br />

ned political parties," he told the AFP news<br />

agency.<br />

The PKK has waged a violent campaign for<br />

Kurdish autonomy since 1984, resulting in<br />

more than 30,000 <strong>de</strong>aths.<br />

Turkey has recently massed about<br />

100,000 troops on the Iraqi bor<strong>de</strong>r after<br />

its parliament approved calls for a military<br />

incursion to <strong>de</strong>al with the insurgents.<br />


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