New Europe College Regional Program Yearbook 2001-2002

New Europe College Regional Program Yearbook 2001-2002

New Europe College Regional Program Yearbook 2001-2002


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69 Ibid, p. 654.<br />

70 RÃDULESCU-MOTRU, C., Revizuiri ºi adãugirii. 1943, p.170.<br />

71 Motru’s Revizuiri ºi adãugirii appeared in a total of 6 volumes, covering the<br />

period 1943-1948. The first two volumes relating to the period 1943-44<br />

were of particular interest for the purposes of this study.<br />

72 RÃDULESCU-MOTRU, C., Revizuiri ºi adãugirii, p.151.<br />

73 Ibid., p.13.<br />

74 Ibid., p. 151.<br />

75 Ibid., p. 254.<br />

76 See TODERAªCU, Ion, ed., G. Brãtianu. Cuvinte cãtre români. Zece conferinþe<br />

ºi prelegeri, ed. Univ. “Al.I.Cuza”, Iaºi, 1996. Before being published for the<br />

first time in 1942, the lectures were presented to the students at the University<br />

of Bucharest, on radio and at the Free University. Brãtianu was convinced<br />

that what Romanians needed most at that moment was not to loose courage<br />

and he consequently put a lot of effort into raising the national spirit. See, for<br />

instance, “Destinul în viaþa poparelor”, in Curentul, nr. 4718, 8 aprilie 1941.<br />

77 See, “… Un istoric printre politicieni”, in Dosarele istoriei, nr.1 (53), <strong>2001</strong>,<br />

p. 27.<br />

78 SEBASTIAN, Mihail, Jurnal, p. 280.<br />


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