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Book Nine<br />

(19.42-5) supernumeraries as well as fighting men. At 17, 'Apysicov f)yf|-<br />

Topes f)5e ueSovTes, Agamemnon ignores the Accos, but that is not unparalleled,<br />

cf. Od. 8.26 (Alkinoos to the Phaeacian assembly). The formula for<br />

addressing the rank and file is cb 91A01, f|pco£s Accvaoi, Oep&irovTes "Apr|os<br />

(4X) (cf. i7n.). auTos ... TTOVEITO reflects Agamemnon's anxiety, as at<br />

10.69-70. — There are four dyopd-scenes on the Achaean side in the Iliad,<br />

in books 1, 2, 9, and 19, discussed by Lohmann, Reden 214-27, who argues<br />

for a direct relation between them. It is assumed here that the relation is<br />

indirect, the poet having a pattern for such scenes which gives rise to the<br />

parallels in content and structure (cf. 12.61-79^).<br />

13-31 The scene is set with some repeated verses: 14-15 = 16.3-4,<br />

16 = the first hemistich of 18.323 + the second of 2.109, 18—25 = 2.111 —18,<br />

26-8 = 2.139-41, 29-31 = 9.693 + 695-6. As is usually the case in such<br />

passages there was omission and athetesis ev£Ka TOU KOCT' OCAAOUS TOTTOUS<br />

cpepecrOai. Zenodotus (Arn/A) read laexd 6' 'Apyeioiciiv Eeiirev for the second<br />

hemistich of 14 and omitted the simile 14-15 and 23-5; 23-5 were also<br />

athetized by Aristophanes (Did/A) and Aristarchus (Arn/A), as being better<br />

at 2.116-18. For 26-31 Zenodotus read TJTOI 6 y' cos ebrcbv KOCT' ap' !£ETO<br />

Ouuov &XSUCOV I Tolai 6' avio-Tccuevos ueTEcpri Kporrepos Aiour)8ns. Zenodotus<br />

normally sought a shorter text and was reputedly severe on repeated passages<br />

(TOIOUTOS EOTIV ETTI Tcov 6i9opouuEvcov (Arn/A on 23-5). Omission by<br />

Zenodotus followed by a more cautious athetesis on the part of Aristophanes<br />

and Aristarchus is a common pattern; nineteen instances in the Iliad are<br />

listed by Ap thorp, MS Evidence 80.<br />

14-15 These verses (simile of the fountain in the rock) = 16.3-4 (°f<br />

Patroklos). Aristarchus countered Zenodotus' omission of the simile here<br />

with the argument that the simile was necessary for the amplification<br />

(au£nc7is) of Agamemnon's grief. (Aristarchus identified two functions of<br />

similes, au^ncris and iijupacns, 'graphic effect', e.g. 11.297-8.) Acute distress<br />

at imminent disaster to the army causes floods of tears in both cases. No<br />

other connexion between the passages is made explicit and it is hard to<br />

imagine that an audience would make one, unless it were well trained in the<br />

nuances of the epic style. For the concept of the 'experienced audience' (the<br />

corollary of the 'well-rehearsed composer'), see M. M. Willcock, AJP 96<br />

(1975) 107—10, and V. Leinieks, Class, et Med. 37 (1986) 5—20. For the<br />

similar difficulty presented by Agamemnon's words at 18-28 see n. ad loc.<br />

There is indeed a contrast between the tears of Agamemnon, who is concerned<br />

for his reputation, and those of Patroklos, which express his distress<br />

at others' sufferings, but that may do no more than illustrate the versatility<br />

of the epic's traditional diction and the diverse uses to which it may be<br />

put. — Agamemnon's tears are not unheroic in themselves, cf. bT to 1.349<br />

ETOIUOV TO fjpcoiKov TTpos S&Kpua and Odysseus' tears at Od. 5.82-4, 8.86,<br />


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