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Book Nine<br />

resumptive formula is used to introduce books 12, 16, 18, 20, 22, and 23;<br />

but it is a regular formula of transition between episodes, and implies<br />

nothing for the origin of the present division into books. [Plutarch], Vita<br />

Horn., affirms that Aristarchus (i.e. a Hellenistic scholar, not necessarily<br />

Aristarchus himself) made the Book division. Indeed a Hellenistic date is<br />

very likely; see R. Pfeiffer, History of Classical Scholarship (Oxford 1968)<br />

115-16. See also 1 i.848n. and Introduction to vol. vi 20-21.<br />

1 9UAOK6CS EXOV: by the tomb of Ilos, according to 10.415, though the<br />

geography of that Book is idiosyncratic, see 10.428-3 in., and the location<br />

of the tomb is never precisely conceived. Night has fallen (8.485-6), though<br />

very little notice is taken of the fact in the narrative, apart from a passing<br />

reference at 85.<br />

2 With their usual precision the scholia (Arn/A bT and Arn/A on 14.10)<br />

seek to separate 9o|3os as f) UETOC TOO 8EOUS 9uyr| and 91/^a as f) (JETCX 9uyqs<br />

SeiAicccns, and suggest IK-TTAT^IS as the sense of 9u£cc here. 'Panic' is a suitably<br />

ambivalent rendering between the state of mind and its manifestation. The<br />

Achaeans of course are presently within the safety of their wall. — 9oj3ou<br />

KPUOEVTOS: the correct form Kpuoeis is here secure, as at 5.740, Hesiod, Theog.<br />

936 and [Hesiod], Aspis 255. For the secondary form OKpuoeis, a creation<br />

(according to Leumann, HW 49-50) of Homer's predecessors, see 6.344^<br />

and 64n. — The metaphor 6TCCipr| recurs at 4.440-1 (ipis the sister and<br />

comrade of Ares).<br />

3 (3epoAf|aTO, as if from |3OAECO (only the medio-passive perfect is attested),<br />

is properly used metaphorically according to Aristarchus (Arn/A). |3£(3Af|orro,<br />

read by Zenodotus 'and others', would imply physical wounds, cf. 9,<br />

and Od. 10.247, where pE(3Ar|[iEvos is read by many MSS for pe(3oArmevos.<br />

4-8 The Book division conceals the contrast, clearly deliberate, between<br />

this simile of wind and storm and that of the calm night fourteen verses<br />

earlier that illustrates the Trojans' confident bivouac at 8.555-9. The<br />

oblique idiom 'as two winds stir up the sea', for 'as the sea is stirred up', is<br />

typical of Homeric similes.<br />

Similes in general, like the narrative, are composed from the standpoint<br />

of an observer and comment upon external signs from which, of course,<br />

internal states of mind may be inferred. This simile therefore is unusual in<br />

that it comments on a metaphysical entity, the Oupios, which cannot be<br />

observed except in so far as a person may be aware of his own duuos and, as<br />

here, of its palpitations. Storm similes, e.g. 11.297-8, 11.305-8, usually<br />

illustrate furious action.<br />

4 The basic formula is prepositional, ETTI TTOVTOV ... IXOVOEVTOC (5X<br />

Od.) or TTOVTOV ETT' IXOUOEVTCC (7X including variants, in several positions).<br />

The sea bred KT)T£OC that might attack a man {Od. 5.421, cf. the expression<br />

|i£yocKT|TEa TTOVTOV, Od. 3.158 and West's note ad loc), and the heroes had a<br />


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