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Whallon, W., 276<br />

Whitman, C. H., 140<br />

wickedness punished, 122, 128<br />

Wiesner, J., 199<br />

Wilamowitz, U. V., 38, 73<br />

Willcock, M. M., 60, 98, 116, 130, 131, 187,<br />

190, 213, 218, 249, 265, 297, 306, 326, 350<br />

wine, 69, 90, 94, 294; formulas for, 208<br />

Wolf, A., 117, 123<br />

Worthen, T., 221<br />

women: attitudes towards, 105, 108, no,<br />

146; epithets for, no, 136<br />

wounds, woundings, 254, 256, 260, 286; of<br />

Agamemnon, 247; to arm, 235, 254; of<br />

Diomedes, 251, 252, 267; of Odysseus,<br />

274, 276; to head, 235, 359; not felt, 254,<br />

275; to foot, 267; statistics, 253; treatment<br />

of, 310, 311<br />

Wulfing von Martitz, P., 163, 230<br />

Wyatt, W. F.,Jr, 62, 117-18, 121, 164, 168,<br />

183, 255, 258, 259, 272, 284, 310, 319<br />

Xanthos (river), 352<br />

Xanthus (lyric poet), 77<br />

Zenodotus, 65, 70, 75, 85, 185, 201, 206,<br />

Index<br />

380<br />

207, 318, 332, 356, 362; athetized, 354;<br />

emended, 356; omitted verses, 60, 149,<br />

175, 177, 202, 205, 215, 229, 244, 264,<br />

280, 302, 308, 336, 364; readings of, 79,<br />

116, 146, 157, 184, 187, 230, 237, 238,<br />

240, 249, 263, 271, 273, 275, 310, 334,<br />

342, 355>357, 36i,3 6 3<br />

Zephuros, 59, 259<br />

Zeus, 52, 53, in, 120, 127, 144, 150, 187,<br />

192, and passim; ambiguous designs of,<br />

214, 246, 296, 317; blamed by men, 73,<br />

96, in, 165, 188, 335; and crrn, 128-9;<br />

deceived Agamemnon, 62; favours<br />

Trojans, 223, 362; formulas for, 342;<br />

frightens Aias, 282; hand of, 118; hard<br />

master, 164; influence of, 62, 321; looks<br />

away, 365; preserves Hektor, 231, 243;<br />

scales of, 362; sends omen, 340; stirs up<br />

war, 214; and suppliants, 198; 'under the<br />

earth', 123; watches the battle, 229-30,<br />

245, 263<br />

Zhirmunsky, V. M., 32<br />

Zielinski's Law, see simultaneous events<br />

Zopyrus, 182<br />


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