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INDEX<br />

An index of Greek words appears at the end of vol. vi.<br />

Adkins, A. W. H., 141, 350, 352<br />

adultery, 106<br />

adumbration, see foreshadowing<br />

aegis, 183, 214, 220<br />

Aeolic dialect/form, 80, 83, 97, 162, 163,<br />

164, 192, 214, 222, 244, 246, 256, 264,<br />

299, 331, 34> 343> 35^<br />

Aeschylus, 221, 307, 327<br />

Aetolian saga, 134<br />

Agamede, 303<br />

Agamemnon, 55, 59, 74, 77, 81, 87, 97, 100,<br />

114, 119, 162-3, J ^5» 2 56> 326, and<br />

passim; animus against Troy, 237, 239;<br />

arming of, 215; compared to Zeus, 332;<br />

concerned for reputation, 63, 326; corslet<br />

of, 218-19; deceived by Zeus, 62;<br />

discourse of, 73; enjoys divine favour, 223;<br />

false position of, 106, 107; ferocity of, 212,<br />

233, 235, 236, 238, 241, 244; greed of,<br />

105; impatience of, 217, 234; lack of tact,<br />

63, 64, 66, 69, 75-6, 79, 160, 183; meets<br />

Akhilleus' conditions, 80, 100, 142; and<br />

Menelaos, 176, 240; pessimism of, 61-2,<br />

96, 149, 154, 157, 257, portrayal of, 47,<br />

56, 60, 61, 67, 68, 73, 76, 100, 108, 114,<br />

140, 147, 160, 164, 176, 213; privileges of,<br />

71; rank of, 69, 72, 73, 74, 79-80, 149;<br />

represents Achaean army, 259; rich, 219;<br />

shield of, 220; slays fugitives, 230; sword<br />

of, 219; volunteers, 174, 264; weeps, 60-1;<br />

wounded, 247; see also aristeia<br />

Agamemnon, k. of Cyme, 77<br />

Agastrophos, 263<br />

Agelaos, 259<br />

Agenor, 226<br />

agglomeration, see clustering<br />

Ahlberg, G., 258<br />

Aiantes, 174, 215, 264, 314, 331, 339, 346,<br />

347> 349> 355> 357; formulas for, 277-8<br />

Aias s. of Telamon, 66, 92, no, 129, 138,<br />

281, 338, 359, 363, and passim-, and<br />

Akhilleus, 62, 102, 141, 142, 143-4, does<br />

not use chariot, 276; outstanding in<br />

defence, 274, 277, 356; defends wall, 357,<br />

358; epithets of, 277, 356; feels betrayed,<br />

367<br />

91; genealogy of, 81; invulnerable, 48,<br />

282; old character, 41, 44; portrayal of,<br />

81, 108, 120, 141-2, 213, 283, 284; retreat<br />

of, 277, 282, 287; shield of, 276, 281;<br />

station of, 215; strength of, 335, 360;<br />

strong language of, 114, 130, 141, 142<br />

Aias s. of Oileus, 37, 167, 176, 363; epithets<br />

of, 278; in front rank, 279<br />

Aineias, 51, 65, 70, 162, 237, 258, 264,<br />

314-15, 328, 334, 349, 360; uses dams,<br />

276<br />

Aisumnos, 259<br />

Aitchison, J. M., 168<br />

Aithiopis, 43, 52, 134, 145, 267, 269<br />

Akamas, 225<br />

Akhilleus, 44, 56, 72, 74, 83, 87, 95, 98,<br />

104, 131, 140, 141, 143, and passim; and<br />

Agamemnon, 64, 99, 144, 290; and Aias,<br />

143, and Achaeans, 103; amateur singer,<br />

37, 88; avoids &TTI, 73, 128-9; as hero, 45;<br />

destiny of, 116; death of, 267; discourse of,<br />

99-101, 102-19; disillusionment of, 102;<br />

education of, 48; egotism of, 45, 66, 67,<br />

101, 104, 109, 119-20, 289; embodiment<br />

of j3ir|, 92; epithets of, 186; ferocity of, 50,<br />

201, 228, 235, 244, 278; foreknowledge of,<br />

49> 5 ! > 56* 102, 116, 141, hut of, 145, 294;<br />

indispensable, 211; invulnerable, 47;<br />

language of, 101-2, 112, 114; misses<br />

metier, 88, 144, 288; moral stance of, 55-7,<br />

103, in —12; and Patroklos, 307;<br />

performs menial services, 90; portrayal of,<br />

49, 59, 62, 76, 81, 88, 102, 127, 129, 141;<br />

quick-tempered, 74, 81, 294, 295, 311;<br />

rejects advice, 57, 149, raids of, 43, 75,<br />

108, 145, 146, 291, 292, 318; short life of,<br />

116-17, l 4°> uses crones, 276; uses similes,<br />

104; slays men in chariot, 236; station of,<br />

313; suspicious of Odysseus, 102; took<br />

prisoners, 192, 239; universal appeal, 38;<br />

watches battle, 287-8; weeps, 61; and<br />

Zeus, 53<br />

Aktor, 289, 301, 304<br />

Aktorione, see Molione<br />

Alexanderson, B., 185

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