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The Iliad as heroic poetry<br />

was what Demodokos is said to have done and what the poets of the<br />

Homeric epics say they do - to take up the tale 'from some point'. This<br />

stage is well attested in some living traditions (Hatto, Traditions n 275-6),<br />

even to the extent that investigators have induced epics by eliciting the<br />

whole cycle from the singer/or the first time.<br />

A growing cycle is an open-ended string of episodes that draws in attractive<br />

figures and incidents from elsewhere. A classic example is the use of the<br />

murder of Siegfried in the Nibelungenlied to motivate the (historical) destruction<br />

of the Burgundians by a tribe of Huns, a tale that had already attracted<br />

into it, in defiance of history and chronology, such famous names as those of<br />

Theoderic and Attila. The catalogues of heroes who sailed in the Argo,<br />

hunted the Galydonian boar, and fought at Troy are obviously expanded,<br />

some of the intruders, like Telamonian Aias, scarcely disguised, others too<br />

famous to leave out but too brilliant to be in at the kill. When it was<br />

common knowledge that Jason secured the Fleece and Odysseus devised the<br />

Trojan Horse Herakles and Akhilleus could not be allowed to dominate the<br />

final act and usurp their glory; they must either leave or die.<br />

The formation of a connected cycle exposes gaps and raises questions<br />

about the primary material: the birth or origin of the hero, his death<br />

and descendants, how he acquired associates and distinguishing characteristics,<br />

and so on. Is the story of the pursuit of Troilos by Akhilleus an aition<br />

for his epithet 7r68ocs COKUS — or the origin of that description? 8 Kullmann's<br />

careful research into the content of the Trojan cycle (Quellen (i960)) has<br />

shown how much of it predates the Iliad, but it is clear from the description<br />

of the cycle by Proclus that parts of the Cypria, the Nostoi, and especially the<br />

Telegony, as they existed after Homer, are examples of this tendency to<br />

complete the story and arrange it around an outstanding poem or episode. 9<br />

(iii) The hero<br />

'Heroic poetry' is a loose term, and heroes are correspondingly diverse.<br />

Folktales, hero tales, heroic lays, and romances are characterized by the<br />

dominance of certain viewpoints at the expense of, but not to the exclusion<br />

of others. Heroic poetry, in Bowra's classic description, 'works in conditions<br />

determined by special conceptions of manhood and honour. It cannot exist<br />

unless men believe that human beings are in themselves sufficient objects of<br />

interest and that their chief claim is the pursuit of honour through risk'<br />

8 There is a parallel in the invention of a story to explain Cort Nes, 'short-nosed', the<br />

soubriquet of Guillaume d'Orange in Le Couronnement de Louis > an invention because the epithet<br />

is known to be a misunderstanding of Curb JVes, 'hook-nosed' (M. de Riquer, Les Chansons de<br />

gestefrangaises trans. I. Cluzel (Paris 1957) 157-8).<br />

9 The Old French epic with some eighty poems is rich material for the study of cycles; a<br />

useful study is that of de Riquer (n. 8).<br />


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