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The Iliad as heroic poetry<br />

Heroic song is not chronicle and the events related may have no historical<br />

importance provided they can be given dramatic interest and symbolic<br />

significance. The death of Roland did not change the course of history but<br />

a last stand with loyal vassals dying around their liege was a feudal ideal<br />

worthy of commemoration. If an event could not be given that sort of<br />

significance there would be little point in making a song about it. If a song<br />

was made about it shabby deeds became heroic and a trivial event, forgotten<br />

by historians, acquired cosmic significance. 7 From the very beginning<br />

then there will be deformation.<br />

The primary source of deformation, familiar to historians, is 'ethnic<br />

truth'; an event must be what it ought to be. So the rearguard of<br />

Charlemagne's army was cut off by Saracens not by Basques, and the<br />

disaster was not due to rashness or accident but, like the defeat of Kosovo<br />

in the Serbian tradition, to treachery.<br />

A kind of deformation to which heroic song is especially prone is that<br />

caused by the typology in terms of which the event is perceived and related.<br />

In a tradition of song most things are perceived generically; in the Germanic<br />

tradition a battle takes place in a confined space, the hall of Hrothgar<br />

in Beowulf, or that of Etzel (Attila) in the Nibelung story: in Greek, heroic<br />

action is often teamwork (the hunting of the Calydonian boar, the quest for<br />

the golden fleece, the attacks on Thebes and Troy); an assault on a fortification<br />

takes the form of a simultaneous attack on each of its gates, as in the<br />

Theban story or the Trojan attack on the Achaean camp in Iliad book 12.<br />

The song itself is built up of episodes typical of its tradition (vol. 11 15-27).<br />

There is an excellent instance of an Iliupersis analysed into its constituent<br />

themes in Od. 8.500-20, an analysis which has the advantage that it does<br />

not depend on the intuition of a modern theorist. The sack of Troy is there<br />

broken down into a sequence of council, androktasia, and aristeia assisted<br />

by a tutelar divinity. The obscure Finn episode in Beowulf (1068-1159)<br />

is essentially a similar summary. A council breaks down into a series of<br />

speeches, a battle into a series of combats, and so on, until minimal statements<br />

are reached (see pp. 12-13). At each stage the conception is generic.<br />

Any event can be seen in these terms, so that their application to a particular<br />

event is tantamount to fiction.<br />

What these techniques of creating and preserving a song bring into<br />

the foreground is of no evidentiary value. The grains of truth, if any,<br />

lie in the background, in the event described, or (to be on the safe side) in<br />

the background of the event. It is easy to quote examples from less austerely<br />

7 The inclusion of the crucial phrase et Hruodlandus Brittanniae limitis praefectus is a matter of<br />

debate in the textual criticism of Egginhard's Vita Karoli. One must guard against the strong<br />

will to believe that exists in these matters.<br />


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