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Formulas<br />

competence as well as reproduce a traditional language, but their imagination<br />

could only feed on what was familiar to them, their own world. Formularity<br />

therefore potentially increased the power of expression of the<br />

gifted &oi86s, a power that the acquisition of the basic poetical diction had<br />

already enhanced. At its best the formular style can be read in the quarrel<br />

of book 1, in the discourses of book 9, and in that tour de force of battle<br />

narrative, 16.306-50. 28 A reading of such passages removes the lingering<br />

pejorative sense that clings to the word 'formular'. Yet there would be areas<br />

where formalization was strong, and these would limit the imagination of<br />

the ungifted ccoi56s and give the impression that he never sought to express<br />

anything in word or tone or content that tradition did not supply. Such<br />

themes, like beaching or launching a ship in the Iliad, are like glosses,<br />

waiting for rejuvenation (cf. Od. 5.243-61 for a good &0180S doing just<br />

that). Ossified language and concomitant ossified thought are the vices of<br />

formular composition, but they are vices that do not afflict its best exponents.<br />

In the Iliad variation on a theme is the norm, as in the confident and<br />

supremely competent descriptions of the individual combats during the<br />

Great Battle of books 11-17 (see 11.92-ioonn.).<br />

The Iliad is formular ('formular' in the broadest sense) throughout. Its<br />

formularity must be accepted, but it can now also begin to be appreciated<br />

as a mode of discourse that despite its formidable technicalities made possible<br />

the creation of one of the finest narrative styles in literature. 29<br />

28 Kirk, HO T 74-81, discusses in detail several passages from this standpoint.<br />

29 For a comprehensive bibliography of the Homeric formula see M. W. Edwards, Oral<br />

Tradition 1 (1986) 171-230, and 3 (1988) n-60.<br />

3 1

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