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Formulas<br />

The utility of formulas in an oral tradition is obvious, and published<br />

analyses of portions of the Homeric poems show high densities. 17 Early<br />

investigators, we can now see, tended to identify the inventory of formulas<br />

as the singer's primary resource and to exaggerate the control they exercised<br />

over his thought. 'He must have for his use word groups all made to fit his<br />

verse and tell what he has to tell' (Parry, MHV 270). Further research<br />

established the equal importance of having for his use the factors adduced<br />

in §§ii-vii and has questioned the controlling role of formulas. The key<br />

words, the nucleus of the sentence, have priority in localization; formulas<br />

accommodate to the length and shape of the hexameter what the poet<br />

wishes to say, and may be peripheral to the central thought. 18 Formulas<br />

thus often embody redundant elements and may themselves be dispensable<br />

complements to the nucleus of the sentence, like d£ei 8oupi in such a sentence<br />

as 'A slew B with his sharp spear': 5e6aiyuevos 6§£i XOCAKCO, 19.211 in the<br />

second half, but 6e5aiy|jevos tout court in the same position, 19.203 and<br />

19.319. The effect of the break between the cola is evident (cf. §ii ad Jin.).<br />

Very frequent formulas, those occurring, say, more than ten times, are<br />

not numerous and often owe their frequency to special circumstances, e.g.<br />

name-epithet formulas in the introductions to direct speech. Many occur<br />

only two or three times. That may be due to chance, or to the fact that the<br />

expression is still in the process of becoming a formula. But low frequencies<br />

raise the possibility that some genuine formulas appear in our texts only<br />

once. The ground is firm enough when an expression that occurs once in<br />

the Iliad recurs elsewhere in the early hexameter corpus. Such an expression<br />

either was not needed by the poet of the Iliad or was not near the surface of<br />

his mind: cci|jiaTi KCC! AOOpco TreTraAayiaevov (6.268, 2X Od.); 8i' alOepos<br />

drrpuyEToio (17.425, ix HyDem, ix Hesiod); ^OCVOT) Ar|uf|Tr|p (5.500,<br />

HyDem. 302); TeAea^opov ds SVICCVTOV (19.32, 4X Od., 1 x Hesiod); fjyfjTopa<br />

Aacbv (20.383, ix HyDem, 3X Hesiod); Ool(3os

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