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Book Twelve<br />

when uncovered by the shield, cf. 11.447. OTECO: Zenodotus was undoubtedly<br />

right against the vulgate (and Aristarchus') OTCO, cf. Od. 2.114.<br />

430-2 When the battle closes to hand-to-hand fighting, there is no nimble<br />

leaping onto chariots for a quick retreat. Men fall in their ranks and a<br />

bloodbath naturally follows, cf. 4.451 = 8.65, cf. 15.715, 16.639, 17-360.—<br />

6pp&Scn"(o): for this peculiar perfect in -S-, a testimony to the linguistic<br />

vitality of the Kunstsprache, see Chantraine, GH 1 435. It recurs at Od.<br />

20.354, cf. dKT|xs6aTai (< OCXEEIV) in some MSS at 17.637 and IAr|Ad8aTo<br />

(< EACCUVEIV) in the vulgate at Od. 7.86. The -6- must be derived from dental<br />

stems such as epsiSeiv (which has a perfect EprjpeSocToa, 23.284, 23.329,<br />

Od. 7.95). Similar forms from verbs in -&£siv, -i£eiv occur in the Ionic of<br />

Herodotus. T imagine a pd£co, a ghost word in this sense. The repetition of<br />

'Axoucov at the end of 431 and 432 does not trouble the poet, cf. 373-4<br />

and n.<br />

433-5 Simile of the spinning woman, presumably a free widow. For<br />

comparisons drawn from women's work cf. 4.141 (ivory-staining), and<br />

23.760 (weaving). Spinning, however, is usually represented as the work of<br />

the women of the heroic household, no matter what their status, e.g. Od.<br />

6.305—7 (Arete and her slave-women). As an image, scales express balance,<br />

as here, or the moment of decision, when the balance inclines in one<br />

direction, as at 8.69, 22.209. The scales of Zeus, however (8.69, 22.209),<br />

symbolize another idea, that of being 'weighed in the balances, and ...<br />

found wanting'. &Ar|0r|s is 'honest', 'conscientious' ('ehrlich' Ameis-<br />

Hentze), a sense not repeated in the epic, but that is not objectionable in a<br />

simile, cf. 6cAr|0r|S voos at Pind. 01. 2.167. Leaf conjectures, unnecessarily, a<br />

primitive sense 'not forgetful', EXOV is intransitive, 'hold on', but a transitive<br />

EXEi must be understood from it as the verb of the simile. deiKeoc expresses<br />

humiliation inflicted on another ('mit der Nebenbedeutung "hasslich",<br />

"schmahlich", "verabscheuungswurdig"'), LfgrE s.v., cf. the CCEIKEO-CJI<br />

ITAriyrjcji with which Thersites was threatened (2.264 and 22.395^), not,<br />

pace Plutarch, Mor. 19c (on 23.24), the shame that falls, or ought to fall, on<br />

the doer of wicked deeds, hence an deiKrjs uicrOos is a 'pittance', presumably<br />

a portion of the thread spun or similar payment in kind. Aristarchus was<br />

momentarily puzzled, suggesting &VEIKECC or duEUcpEa, before settling for<br />

dsiKsa = EUTEAT) (Did/A). The pathetic touch caught the imagination of<br />

later poets, cf. Ap. Rhod. 4.1062-7, Virg. Aen. 8.408-13.<br />

436 = 15.413, where the simile concerns the use of the line (oTdOuri), not<br />

scales (oraOuos), as if the idea ETTI TCJCC TETOCTO were somehow associated in<br />

the singer's mind with the sound CTTCC6|JK For the metaphor of tension see<br />

1 i.336n. — After the pause during the simile the narrative surges forward<br />

to the climax. With Zeus's blessing (as the poet knows) Hektor urges on his<br />

men for a final effort. They charge the wall in a body and clamber over the<br />


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