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Book Twelve<br />

preserved now because the poet needs him later, or as he puts it in book 16<br />

(433-8), it was Sarpedon's fate to die at the hands of Patroklos and not by<br />

the ships. The omission of 403 by Pap. 342 seems accidental; the verse is<br />

dispensable but is read by two other early texts.<br />

404-5 = 7.260-1, but with OU6E for f) 8E, a bold adaptation of a formular<br />

verse by substitution, see Introduction 15. r\ 8E is read here by some<br />

MSS, an obvious example of'concordance corruption'. The tactic, pushing<br />

the opponent back by brute force, is typical of Aias, see also 13.192-3.<br />

407 £EA8ETO, 'desired', is more exclusively epic than EEATTETO and has<br />

considerable MS support, including Pap. 9; it is marginally preferable.<br />

Leaf's objection to the construction of EAiroiiai with the aorist ccpEcrflai<br />

(< apvuuai), however, is not well founded, cf. Goodwin, Syntax 45-6.<br />

408 = 16.421 (with KaOaTTTOUEVOs) and = 12.467 with the substitution<br />

of TpcoEaaiv in the first hemistich.<br />

409—12 The leader's complaint that he cannot do everything recurs,<br />

from the Achaean side, at 20.354-63. Perhaps a typical motif; 410 =<br />

20.356, but there is no other language in common between the two passages.<br />

412 EcpouapTErrE: the dual EcpoiiocpTEiTov would not have troubled<br />

Zenodotus, who could accept the concord with genuinely plural subject,<br />

but in spite of its MS support, cf. 8.191 = 23.414, is clearly impossible after<br />

AUKIOI. The Lycian pair of course are Sarpedon himself and Glaukos, now<br />

hors de combat. — TTAEOVCOV KTA.: 'many hands make light work'. Sententiousness,<br />

apart from the concatenation of aphorisms in Aineias' speech to<br />

Akhilleus (20.200-58), is more characteristic of the Odyssean style, cf. Od.<br />

6.29—30 and Hainsworth's note ad loc.<br />

413-71 The Achaeans rally and the battle hangs momentarily in the balance. The<br />

Book then concludes with a truly epic moment. Hektor inspires the Trojans for a second<br />

assault and bursts through the gates, spears in hand. The Trojans swarm over the wall<br />

The passage has been justly praised from antiquity for its vigour, cf. bT<br />

TravTax60£v EKIVTICTE TT|V EVEpyEiav, EK TOO (3CCA6VTOS, EK TCOV SiappiTrrouEvcov<br />

cravi8cov, EK TOO EiCTTrn8covTOS Kai cpopEpov PAETTOVTOS, EK TCOV UTT£p|3aiv6vTcov<br />

TO TETXOS, KOO' 6 uEpos Eppr^E 2apTrf|8cov, EK TCOV EiorpEXovTCOV E!S TOCS TTUACCS,<br />

KOCO' 6 uEpos auTos ^PP 1 !^ CCUTOCS 6 "EKTCOp.<br />

414 pouAr|96pos is epithet of Sarpedon at 5.633 but does not, as epithet,<br />

appear to have specific significance, least of all in the midst of battle. (Verse<br />

414 in book 10 is different; pouAr|9Opoi is there predicative.) Its use in<br />

formulas is principally as a metrical alternative to f|yf|TCop.<br />

415-16 The first verse is formular (= 11.215 = 16.563 = Hesiod, Theog.<br />

676). To resist the Lycians' final effort the Achaeans mass behind their<br />

battlements. This must be the sense of TEIXEOS EVTOCTOEV, cf. 380-1 where<br />


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