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Book Twelve<br />

Fenik (TBS 24ff.): a Trojan associates a friend in the fight; his adversary<br />

calls for aid; the attack is repulsed: cf. 5.166-310 and 13.455-539.<br />

310-21 These famous verses constitute the clearest statement in the Iliad<br />

of the imperatives that govern the heroic life and their justification. It is, as<br />

Sarpedon puts it, a kind of social contract: valour in exchange for honour,<br />

see Adkins, Merit and Responsibility 34-6. Honour comes first, for only the<br />

founders of dynasties gained their thrones by first showing valour (like<br />

Bellerophon, 6.171-95); their successors inherited their status, and might,<br />

as here, have to remind themselves of the obligations that it entailed. At<br />

least Sarpedon admits obligations (which is more than Akhilleus does) in<br />

addition to the reward of KAEOS, but we are still some way from the £uvov<br />


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