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Book Twelve<br />

externalization of his conviction that behind the events he describes was a<br />

guiding force. Neither mode of description implies that the action is in any<br />

way morally different from action that is merely stated: see Adkins, Merit<br />

and Responsibility 10-17, Dodds, Greeks and the Irrational 8-18. Figurative<br />

language should imply that the action is vigorous or resolute enough to call<br />

for an elaborated description, but is easily devalued; Ouuos dvf)KE is a formula<br />

(8x with variants), stronger than Ouuds dvcoyei (15X in //. with<br />

variants).<br />

292 Sarpedon (unlike Glaukos) has a possible Lycian name, cf. J.<br />

Sundvall, Die einheimischen JVamen der Lykier, 2nd edn (Aalen 1963) 29, 251,<br />

and 5.663n., and is clearly conceived as ruling in the area known classically<br />

as Lycia, cf. the exploits of his ancestor Bellerophon (6.171-90), improbable<br />

as that might seem for an ally of the Trojans. The classical Lycians<br />

preferred to call themselves TepuiAcci; it is possible that the Greek name<br />

unwittingly preserves the second-millennium designation of the Lukka<br />

lands, uncertainly located somewhere in western Anatolia.<br />

293 AEOV0 S obs (3OUCTIV iAi^iv is an unusually extended 'short simile' with<br />

ambivalent syntax; understand 2apTrf|6ova (£7r)6p|JiEvov with AEOVO' rather<br />

than Zeus copasv. The brief simile anticipates the longer lion simile that<br />

follows at 299: for this narrative pattern see 13.298—3O3n. and Moulton,<br />

Simile 19-22. Another instance is the repetition of the whirlwind motif at<br />

11.297 and 11.305—8. The short comparison may serve to prompt its subsequent<br />

elaboration, but at the same time the recurrent image has a cumulative<br />

effect on the imagination of the audience. — EAI^I, 'twisted', sc. with<br />

respect to the horns, puzzled the scholiasts who took it for a colour term<br />

('black'), see 9.466—9n.<br />

294—6 For the action of the charging warrior — and the construction of<br />

his shield cf. 13.803-4. The short description of Sarpedon's equipment is an<br />

instance of what the scholia call ocu£r|

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