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Book Twelve<br />

word for snowflakes; but this is no ordinary snowfall, it yiz\ EMTTESOV and<br />

blankets everything.<br />

283 ACOTOUVTCC, by contraction of AcoT6(p)6VTa, is the reading of<br />

Aristarchus (Arn/A) and OCT, but would be the only adjective in -osis so<br />

contracted in the Iliad. (The Odyssey offers the enigmatic KaipOCTEGOV at<br />

7.107). The vulgate reading AcoTeOvTa is preferable phonologically, but<br />

would be the participle of an otherwise unattested AcoTeco. The sense<br />

'covered in lotus' is unaffected. ACOTEOVTOC was known to Hesychius who<br />

glosses it as dvOouvTa.<br />

284 onerous offers another orthographical problem. Instances of -ais as<br />

opposed to normal Ionic -rjs are rare (also 1.238, Od. 5.119, 22.471), but<br />

strongly attested where they occur. It is hasty to class such forms as Attic,<br />

which dialect had -ocai, -r|ai until the fifth century. For detailed discussion<br />

see G. M. Boiling, Language 22 (1945) 261—4.<br />

285 IpuKEToa must be passive (pace Leaf). The snow blankets even the<br />

waves and prevents their breaking.<br />

287 AiOos is normally masculine in the epic, whether the meaning is 'a<br />

stone' (for throwing) or 'stone' (the material). The feminine is found only<br />

here and at Od. 19.494.<br />

289 (3aAAo|J6VGov: masculine. The reciprocal sense of the middle voice, 'as<br />

they bombarded each other', is clear, though surprisingly without parallel<br />

in this common verb, but cf. VUCTCTOUEVGOV (14.26 = 16.637) f° r an identical<br />

usage.<br />

290—4.12 Sarpedon, commander of the Lycians, intervenes. He summons Glaukos to<br />

join him and in a famous speech utters a lapidary statement of the heroes' code. His<br />

attack on the wall comes near to success<br />

Taken as a whole the assault of Sarpedon and Glaukos is a repetition of the<br />

assault of Asios (108—94). As us ual when a motif is repeated after a short<br />

interval the second occurrence is in a more elaborate form:<br />

I. Asios attacks 110-26<br />

Opposed by Polupoites and Leonteus 127-53<br />

Missiles and snowflake simile 154-61<br />

Asios admits failure 162-72<br />

II. Sarpedon (with Glaukos) attacks 290—330<br />

Opposed by Menestheus and the Aiantes 331-99<br />

(Missiles and snowflake simile 278-89)<br />

Sarpedon admits failure 400—12.<br />

Already from 265 the narrative has lost its special character as siege-poetry<br />

and now continues to revert in its themes to an ordinary open battle. A<br />


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