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Book Twelve<br />

'OAUHTTIOU), Z. epiPpe|Ji6T6co (hapax legomenon), Z. KeAcuvecpeT, Z. Kpovicova<br />

(and Z. ... Kpovicovos), TravotJupaicp Z. (hapax legomenon). Zr|v6s epiySouTtoio<br />

is therefore most likely to be derived from ipiy5ou7ros TTOCTIS "Hprjs (4X //.,<br />

3x Od.).<br />

237-43 Hektor's fine words make a memorable heroic speech, appropriate<br />

both to his dramatic role as leader and to the tragic movement of the<br />

Iliad. Hektor relies, as he thinks, on the promise of Zeus given at 11.207-10,<br />

but to any pious mind his words would represent a fatal delusion. In<br />

tragedy contempt for oracles is always a sure precursor of doom. In general,<br />

however, the epic takes a rational view, accepting omens as a confirmation<br />

or discouragement of decisions already taken but not allowing them to<br />

determine action, cf. the sceptical attitude of Eurumakhos at Od. 2.181-2<br />

opviOes 8E TE TTOAAOI UTT S auyas f]6Aioio | cpoiTcbo-', OU6E T£ TT&VTES evaiaipioi.<br />

237 TUVT| is an emphatic 2nd person pronoun found 5X elsewhere<br />

in the Iliad, (5.485, 6.262, 16.64, I 9- I0 > 24-465). According to Wathelet,<br />

Traits eoliens 286—7, the form is probably an Aeolism — or a very remote<br />

archaism; see also 16.64—5 n - It * s entirely absent from the Odyssey but<br />

is found three times in Hesiod. Apollonius liked the word (8x in the<br />

Argonautica).<br />

239-40 The Greek OICOVOCJKOTTOS faced north, hence the sunrise lay on his<br />

right and the sunset on his left. The same language is used to indicate west<br />

and east at Od. 9.26 ['IO&KTI] trpos £6

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