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Book Twelve<br />

211-29 For Pouludamas' speeches of admonition see 61-79^ Hektor's<br />

attitude, 'quite inexplicable after Polydamas' speech in 8off.' (Leaf), reflects<br />

the traditional roles of the two heroes. Heroism is enhanced if the hero<br />

is given the opportunity to act unheroically, and rejects it, even if as here<br />

the rejection has hubristic overtones.<br />

211 del •.. 67ri7rAf)(7(T£is: an allusion to the role of prudent adviser, presumably<br />

traditional, of Pouludamas in the Trojan saga. Pouludamas has no<br />

part in the Iliad before this Book and his previous intervention (61-79) had<br />

been welcome. — dei, with d, is attested also at 23.648 and Od. 15.379. East<br />

Ionic retained the diphthong, aiei.<br />

212 o08e uev o05e is emphatic (not connective as at 10.299); tne m ^<br />

phrase eirei ou5e [JLEV ou8e eoiKe is formular (= Od. 21.319).<br />

213 5f]|iov was probably rendered by Horace when he wrote plebs eris,<br />

Ep. 1.1.59, but is not really intelligible dvTi TOU 8r|u6Tnv. The form is<br />

generally understood as being a spelling for 6f||ivov, i.e. 8f)|jiiov, 'of the<br />

people', with the same orthography as TTOTVO: for TTOTVIOC {Od. 5.215, etc.),<br />

see Chantraine, GHi 170. The apparatus criticus to OCT refers to T. W. Allen's<br />

paper in CR 20 (1906) 5 proposing 8r||jiov(a) from a form 8f||Jicov meaning<br />

'prudent', a bold remedy for a real problem: why should Pouludamas, son<br />

of one of Priam's councillors and eTcdpos of Hektor (18.251), associate<br />

himself with the 8f)|Jios? Hektor is as good as a king and has a king's temper;<br />

accordingly Pouludamas speaks ingratiatingly, 'It is the business of your<br />

humble servant crov Kpaxos de^eiv, but...'; cf. Diomedes to Agamemnon at<br />

9.32. Hektor's response is to threaten his councillor with immediate execution<br />

for cowardice in the face of the enemy (247-50).<br />

213-14 For the phrase pattern OUT' evi (3ouArj | OUTE TTOT' ev TroAeucp cf.<br />

f\ ev deOAco I f)6 Kcri ev TroAeuco, 16.590. The two phrases are brought into the<br />

same verse at 2.202, OUTE TTOT' ev TroAeiicp evocpiOuios OUT' evi (3ouArj.<br />

217—27 Pouludamas is no OeoTTpOTros, cf. 228—9, but Homeric omens do<br />

not usually seem to demand much in the way of arcane knowledge for their<br />

interpretation. The eagle, of course, is the bird of Zeus, as the hawk is of<br />

Apollo (Od. 15.526), and indicates the provenance of the omen, cf. 24.315-<br />

20. Note that Pouludamas' description of the omen embodies an interpretation<br />

absent from the narrator's text: the eagle, he says, was taking prey home<br />

to its young.<br />

218 opvls f]A06 is Aristarchus' correction of the paradosis opvts eTrfjAOe.<br />

Homer has opvls evi ueydpoiai in the paradosis at 24.219, where emendation<br />

to opvTs ev a. would be easy, but opvls at 9.323. The -1- is long in the oblique<br />

cases and should be so in the nominative, but both quantities are found in<br />

later poets.<br />

219 (= 201) is clearly intrusive, an instance of 'concordance interpolation'.<br />

It is omitted by the most important MSS.

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