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Book Twelve<br />

Omens do not occur dv£U 0EOO but, though it is clear that this omen was sent<br />

by Zeus, there is absent any unambiguous statement to that effect. That<br />

conceals the incongruity of Zeus at once warning the Trojans to desist and<br />

urging them to attack, cf. 252-3. — Eagle and snake, the bird of Zeus and<br />

the symbol of chthonic power, make up a powerful omen, probably a<br />

favourite combination in the mantic art, to judge from the parody in<br />

Aristophanes, Eq. 197-8.<br />

200 opvis is ambiguously a bird, in apposition to OCIETOS in 201, or a<br />

bird-omen, as is more likely. Omens are usually bird-omens in the epic, e.g.<br />

8.247 an d 24.315 where the bird is also an eagle and where it is specifically<br />

sent by Zeus (cf. Aios TEpas here at 209 and [Aios] Tepdeaai at 256). For a<br />

detailed study of Homeric divination see H. Stockinger, Die Vorzeichen im<br />

homerischen Epos (Munich 1959).<br />

201 uyiTT6Tr|S is to be linked with 7T£TO|Jiai, 'fly', not TTITTTCO, as LSJ<br />

suggest, see Shipp Studies 1 67: OyiireTns is from uyiTTETETns by haplology.<br />

— sir 3 dpiCTTepd: to the left of the Trojans (Arn/A); we are looking at the<br />

ominous eagle from their standpoint. Aaov EEpycov, only here and in the<br />

repeated line 219, reflects the fundamental sense of EEpyco, 'bar the way'.<br />

The eagle flew across the front of the army from right to left, i.e. from East to<br />

West, as appears from 240, since the Trojans are facing North.<br />

202 (poivrjevTa: like the snake at 2.308, SpdKcov ETTI VCOTOC 5acpoiv6s. noun<br />

+ cpEpcov ovuxeo-ai ireAcopov is formular, cf. Od. 15.161. TrsAcopos is 'portentous'<br />

rather than specifically 'huge', and connotes indeterminate menace,<br />

like TEpocs at 209.<br />

205 !6VCO9EIS: 'twisting itself backwards'; the word is used, e.g. 2.266, of<br />

one 'doubled up' in pain.<br />

208 691V (root ng w his) is an Aeolism, although that has no relevance<br />

for the remarkable metrics: uu for — u. Wyatt, ML 231 rightly rejects<br />

Schulze's insinuation that the aspirate could make position, but the metrics<br />

remain unexplained. The CTTIXOI |i£ioupoi of the ancient metricians are a<br />

statement of the problem, not its answer. Hipponax also makes the first<br />

syllable long, represented by the spelling 611915, fr. 28.2 and 6 West, cf. for<br />

the spelling OKXECO, Pind. 01. 2.67 (also OKyj] and OKXOS) for ox-, and<br />

vuKxd£co = vuacjco Hsch. Compounds, O9I6EIS and O9i65£ipos, also lengthen<br />

the first syllable, but for acceptable metrical reasons.<br />

210 =13.725 (with £i |jf] for 5f| TOTE) . Opacruv "EKTOpa: the epithet is used<br />

6x of Hektor, usually in the normal way, i.e. as a general characterization<br />

without allusion to the immediate context, cf. 60 where there is no question<br />

of Pouludamas' restraining an impetuous commander. Here Hektor is certainly<br />

pressing his luck although Pouludamas is not made to say so. At<br />

13.726, however, Pouludamas begins ""Eicrop, d[if)x«vos ECTCTI", as if picking<br />

up the epithet.<br />


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