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Book Twelve<br />

I 43~4 = I 5-395~^- lcc Xf\ T6 90P0S TE is formular (4X and once in the<br />

dative), iaxr) is certainly from piaxri and probably from (jfiayr), see<br />

Chantraine, Diet. s.v. f)XTl, hence the length of the final syllable of ysvETO.<br />

145-51 The simile has caused difficulty by beginning as an illustration<br />

of the tactics of Leonteus and Polupoites, making sudden charges like wild<br />

boars, and ending with the noise of missiles against their armour, like boars<br />

whetting their tusks. The poet's picture of the action does not stand still<br />

during the simile, but via the image of the boars passes from movement to<br />

sound.<br />

147-8 56xorrai is the 3rd person plural (< 8EK#TCXI - the ~x~ is Attic)<br />

corresponding to the 3rd person singular 5EKTO (2.420, 15.88), participle<br />

SeyuEVos, etc. (2.794, Q-^ 1 ? J 8-524 (also TTOTI-, OTTO-)), and infinitive 8EX6OCI<br />

(1.23 = 1.377), to which the Odyssey adds an imperfect eSeyiJ-qv (Od. 9.513,<br />

12.230). These forms are best regarded as the present and imperfect forms<br />

of an athematic conjugation of the root 8EK-, partly reinterpreted in the<br />

historic forms as aorists, see Chantraine, GHi 296, and 9.19m., and Shipp,<br />

Studies 63. KOAOCTUPTOS: also at 13.472, in a similar context, a rather derogatory<br />

word, 'rabble'. The hunting party, it must be supposed, are not like<br />

the noble pursuers of the Calydonian boar (9.543), but peasants whose<br />

crops have been damaged. 8oxiico T' &I£OCVTE: an authentic detail, the tusks<br />

of the boar do not point forwards, cf. AiKpicpis &T£as {Od. 19.451), of the boar<br />

that wounded the young Odysseus.<br />

149 UTrcri 8E TE KOUTTOS 686VTGOV (= 11.417): in the midst of all this action<br />

(uTrai) there is heard the gnashing of the boar's teeth.<br />

151 For the resumed narrative picking up a secondary point in the<br />

simile, here the sound of gnashed teeth by the sound of weapons on armour.<br />

Ameis - Hentze compare 13.492-5, where the troops follow their leader like<br />

sheep the ram, at which the shepherd is delighted, his pleasure being then<br />

echoed by that of Aineias, and 15.623-9, where Hektor's charge is compared<br />

to a wave crashing on a ship and terrifying the sailors, whose terror<br />

is then picked up by the terror of the Achaeans.<br />

153 Ka6uTT£p0E is clearly used adjectivally with AaoTcriv. It would in<br />

classical Greek require a verbal form (e.g. ICTTCXIJIEVOIS) to give it construction.<br />

Zenodotus read AaEcrcri (Did/A) for AaoTcn, which would be awkwardly<br />

followed by oi in 154. No details are given in the Iliad of special<br />

works to improve the defensibility of the gate; the Aaos have manned<br />

the battlements and hurl their missiles over the heads of Polupoites and<br />

Leonteus.<br />

155 oxpcov T S OCUTCOV: the same orthography and the same phrase recurs<br />

at 19.302, but crcpECOV (monosyllabic) at 18.311 without CCUTGOV in a more<br />

archaic usage. The most archaic form is oxpeicov (metrically lengthened from<br />

dissyllabic oxpkov), only in the formula coaav OCTTO oxpEicov (3X ).<br />


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