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Book Twelve<br />

more substantial edifice, being constrained perhaps by the traditional diction<br />

for an assault on a city: see 258n. The CTKOAOTTES, for example, were part<br />

of the reinforcement of the town-wall of Skherie in Od. 7.44-5. Here they<br />

are 6£EES - the slight emphasis that the runover position confers marks this<br />

as a significant quality, i.e. it is the upper end that is sharpened - as if<br />

intended to impale an enemy attacking the ditch. The extensive use of<br />

mud-brick and unconsolidated material even in permanent fortifications<br />

makes it impossible to verify the details of the Homeric description from<br />

extant remains of town-walls in Ionia or elsewhere in Greece. Kpr|uvo!<br />

ETrnpEcpEES, literally 'overhanging', must be an impressionistic or hyperbolical<br />

description of the heaped-up earth, unless the CTKOAOTTES are thought<br />

to project horizontally. diJicpoTEpcoOEV is possibly poetical elaboration. In<br />

practice an earthwork is more formidable if the soil is thrown up on one<br />

side. UTTEpdEv: i.e. on the crest of the Kpr||ivoi, so as to form a breastwork.<br />

Lattimore's rendering (The Iliad of Homer (Chicago 1951)), 'the surface<br />

of the floor was thickset with pointed palisades', is more consistent with<br />

Pouludamas' description at 63-4 (q.v.) than with the Greek in this verse.<br />

The ditch plays an important role in the assault until 199, after which<br />

it disappears from view until 15.344. It does not impede the attacks of<br />

Sarpedon or Hektor.<br />

56 fjpfjpEi: the subject is Tcftppos. ioTaaav (not loraorav as in OCT) is the<br />

transmitted form and was accepted by Aristarchus. It is philologically improbable<br />

as a genuine alternative to Ecrrncjav as a 3rd person plural of the<br />

causative aorist, though that would not have deterred ocoiSoi from creating<br />

it. It may be retained, as also at 2.525 and probably at 18.346, for the<br />

erection of the stakes is not a process such as would call for an imperfect<br />

tense. (The quasi-homophone ioTacrav at 55 is the pluperfect, an awkward<br />

jingle to the modern ear.)<br />

60-107 The pause at the ditch enables the poet to set the scene by means of a speech<br />

from Pouludamas for an assault en regie. Pouludamas explains to Hektor the hazard<br />

presented by the ditch and proposes they make the assault as infantry. Hektor accepts<br />

this sensible advice and dismounts. The Trojans divide themselves into Jive companies,<br />

each under three commanders<br />

58 EUTpoxov apucc is probably formular, cf. 8.438, but has a duplicate<br />

EO^OOV ocpuoc at 2.390. The formula system around ccp|ja is weakly developed<br />

(Ooov appia 3X, KOCIXTTUAOV a. and dyKuAov a. ix each). KapiTruAov and<br />

dyKuAov are borrowed from the formula system of the bow.<br />

59 TTE^OI is predicative with EI TEAEOUCTI, 'if they do it on foot'. [iEVoivEov,<br />

like 6|J6KAEOV (15.658), T^VTEOV (7.423), and ECTUAEOV (v.l. at 5.48), represents<br />

a transfer from the -dco to the -EGO conjugation attested only in these<br />


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