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Book Twelve<br />

(5.524, Od. 5.478, 19.440) or fire (23.177, 23.238 = 24.792) as readily as<br />

the vitality of a human being or animal (horse 23.468, 23.524, mule Od. 7.2,<br />

lion 5.136, 20.172).<br />

20-2 The rivers of the Troad. The Rhesos, Heptaporos, Karesos,<br />

Rhodios, and Grenikos are mentioned only here in the Iliad. That is not<br />

surprising, since together with the Aisepos (which flowed past Zeleia into<br />

the Propontis, 2.824-7) tnev do not flow across the Trojan plain. The<br />

names, however, form some sort of traditional list for they recur (except for<br />

Karesos) in the list of rivers in Hesiod Theog. 338-45, see West's n. ad loc.<br />

Hesiod's list is incoherent and suggested already to Aristarchus that Hesiod<br />

had taken the names from this passage, ou yap e£svf)vox6 TOUS TroTajJous \xr\<br />

ovTas d^ioAoyous ei lit) 61' "Ourjpov (Arn/A); a good point, but by no means<br />

conclusive. It is usually safer in cases such as this to think of the two poets<br />

drawing on similar traditional sources, see for example the commentators<br />

on Od. 8.1676°. There are, however, some indications that the tradition<br />

behind this digression is not that which provides most of the background<br />

to the Iliad, see nn. to 11, 23, 27, and 33. For further discussion see<br />

J. Butterworth in Studies Webster 1 37-9.<br />

20 The jingle 'Pfjcros . •. KdpTjaos, however handy as a mnemonic device,<br />

is uncharacteristic of Homeric/Hesiodic cataloguing style; Hesiod, loc.<br />

cit., avoided it. Heptaporos, 'seven channels' (or 'fords'), is presumably a<br />

Hellenization of an aboriginal name. The Rhesos was unidentified in<br />

classical times, 'unless it be the Rhoeites' (Demetrius of Scepsis, a would-be<br />

expert on the Troad, apud Strabo 13.1.44). Pliny, JV7/5.124, could find no<br />

trace of the Heptaporos, Karesos, and Rhodios either; the former was<br />

identified with the Pidys, the latter with the Dardanos by the exegetic<br />

scholia. For the courses of the Grenikos (Granicus) and Aisepos, which run<br />

well to the east of the Troad, see map 3, vol. 1 251.<br />

21 STos T8 ZK&uavSpos: the peculiar metrics whereby Ix- do not make<br />

position, cf. the treatment of (TKSTrapvov, CTKITI (Hesiod, Erga 589) and<br />

Z&KUVOOS, ZeAeia, have caused much discussion. Some, e.g. Heubeck,<br />

Wiirzburger Jahrbiicher 4 (1950) 201, and Wyatt, ML 183 n. 1, have thought<br />

that the spelling CTK represented, in a non-Greek river-name, a non-Greek<br />

unitary phoneme, but the tradition of the grammarians, e.g. Monro, GH<br />

343, Debrunner, /F45 (1927) 183, and Chantraine, GHi 110, is strongly in<br />

favour of the view that we have a licence motivated by the clash between<br />

the needs of the narrator and the structural requirements of the hexameter.<br />

The whole matter is judiciously examined - and the grammarians supported<br />

- by O. Szemerenyi in Tractata Mycenaea, Proc. of the VHIth International<br />

Colloquium on Mycenaean Studies (1985) 343-7. Suggestions that ZK&|jav8pos<br />

is translated by its alternant EdvOos, or (better) that the two names are<br />

versions of the same word, though attractive, remain unproven. 8Tos is<br />


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