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Book Eleven<br />

838; it is paralleled by TrjAspiax' f|pcos at Od. 4.312. Nominative<br />

preceded by a dactylic name, however, is an established formula type:<br />

"Aaios/AfjiTos/MoOAios/nsipoos/OaiSiiios f|pcos. ireAcbpios is generic, being<br />

used of Aias, Akhilleus, Hektor, Periphas, and indirectly of Agamemnon,<br />

but is very much to the point here.<br />

822 The pattern of the verse is that used for a name scanned -uufollowed<br />

by epithet (SoupiKAuTos, TreirwuEvos, etc.), the epithet being here<br />

replaced by a word appropriate to context, the participle |3e|3Armevos. A<br />

substantial part of the paradosis has TTeTrvvuevos here, although in the Iliad<br />

that epithet is kept for councillors (Antenor 3.203, Pouludamas 18.249),<br />

young men (Antilokhos 23.586), subordinate warriors (Meriones 13.254,<br />

266), and heralds (7.276 etc.). (3£(3AT||J6VOS is almost a special epithet for<br />

Eurupulos in this neighbourhood (592, 809, 12.2).<br />

824 For the sense of ev vquai ... irecreovTai, here 'die beside the ships',<br />

see 9.235n. The Achaeans are clearly the subject. Aristarchus (Arn/A)<br />

wished to understand Tpcoes, perhaps for consistency with the other occurrences.<br />

There is, however, no difficulty in a formula's being flexible in its<br />

meaning as well as its shape.<br />

825-6 =16.23-4.<br />

829ft On the treatment of wounds, see 4.218-19^ Eurupulos evidently<br />

does not fear poison, for Patroklos is invited merely to wash the wound not<br />

to suck it, as Makhaon did that of Menelaos in book 4. For IKTCCU' see 844^<br />

831—2 The poet alludes without further explanation to a well-known<br />

corpus of 'knowledge', the saga of Akhilleus, beginning with (or indeed<br />

before) his birth and education. In the Iliad Kheiron is always an instructor<br />

of heroes, supplying (p&puocKCC as here to Makhaon at 4.219 and the famous<br />

spear to Peleus in a similar verse at 16.143. This passing reference to his<br />

teaching Akhilleus accords with legend ([Hesiod] fr. 204.87-9 M-W, Pind.<br />

Pyth. 6.21-3, N. 3.43-53), but implicitly contradicts Phoinix' story at<br />

9.485-95 - which was almost certainly an ad hoc invention. It is not clear<br />

why he should be SIKCUOTCCTOS unless it be in contrast with the hubristic<br />

disposition of the other Centaurs. — irpoTf appears to construe with the<br />

genitive 'AxiAfps (so Leaf), a rare usage; equally rare is the use of TipOTi<br />

where irpos could stand. TrpoTi occurs in the vernacular dialects (in the form<br />

TTOpTi) only in Central Cretan and in the epic tradition only in Iliad and<br />

Odyssey, not in Hesiod or the Hymns. The complex usage of irpos, TTOT(, TrpoTi<br />

is examined by W. F. Wyatt, SMEA 19 (1978) 89-123: generally upos is<br />

the free form, TT(P)OTI restricted to traditional phraseology. — Zenodotus<br />

read 8e6dacr0ai for SeSiS&xOai: an attractive reading, but the paradosis<br />

(including Pap. 5) is unanimous against him.<br />

833-6 Eurupulos uses a speaker's grammar, first stating his subject ('As<br />

for the surgeons ...'), then slipping into an indirect statement (TOV uev ...<br />


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