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Book Eleven<br />

cf. the nymph 7\pcriv6r| of Messene, Paus. 4.31.6 (< dpSeiv, 'to make wet',<br />

+ vod 'spring'), as if the present context put the poet in mind of Pylian<br />

traditions. For a female as oivoxoos, a service usually performed by Koupoi,<br />

one may compare Hebe among the gods (4.2ff.). Hekamede reappears at<br />

14.6 preparing a hot bath for Makhaon.<br />

625 Another note of Akhilleus' raids on the satellite towns of Troy,<br />

see 9.328-9. Tenedos, however, was the Achaeans' rendezvous on their<br />

way to Troy in the Cypria. Tenedos' roles as host and victim are by no<br />

means incompatible, for Akhilleus' forays are a reminder that heroic war<br />

was the pursuit of plunder, not a calculated strategy. (In another strand of<br />

tradition Lemnos figured as the Achaeans' staging post, see 2.718-22,<br />

8.23on.)<br />

628-9 TpdTTe£ocv: Greek tables were low, light, and portable. For<br />

Homeric furniture in general see 9.2oon. The decoration is reminiscent of<br />

that listed on the Pylos Ta series of tablets, see Ventris and Chadwick,<br />

Documents 332-5.<br />

630 A metal Kdveov ('bowl' therefore or 'basin' rather than 'basket')<br />

is attested also at Od. 10.355. An onion' (Kpouuov) 'as seasoning for the<br />

drink' is an unexplained complication of the recipe for the KUKSICOV. This<br />

incidental onion is one of the few mentions of vegetables in the Iliad, see W.<br />

Richter, Arch. Horn, H 123-7. Meat is the food for heroes (and for gentlemen<br />

- Pepys and Woodforde, for example, on the evidence of their diaries, dined<br />

almost exclusively on flesh). Athenaeus (24F—25E) discusses the Homeric<br />

diet.<br />

631 dAqnTou iepou dKTf)v is probably formular, recurring at Od. 2.355,<br />

14.429 without fepou. dAcpiTOU is genitive of dAcpiTa; there is no singular<br />

dAcpiTOV, but dAcpiTCOV would be unmetrical. Shipp, Studies 191, aptly points<br />

to the correspondence of TraAuvocs dAcprrou oncrf) (Od. 14.429) to dAcpiTCC<br />

AsuKa TTdAuve (ibid. 77). Hesiod had naturally more use for dicrfi; his principal<br />

formula is Ar|ur|Tepos iepov OKTT\V (3X Hesiod Erga) - whence the v.l.<br />

iepov here - or more briefly Ar||if|T6pos OKTT\V (2X //., Erga 32, Aspis 290).<br />

Outside these formulas (apart from a few imitations) the word is unknown,<br />

and must be an epic fossil. The sense 'meal' suggested a connexion with<br />

dyvuui to the D scholia (but that is pdyvuui); LfgrE compares Skt af-nd-H,<br />

'eat'.<br />

632-5 The description of Nestor's famous cup, see G. Bruns, Arch. Horn.<br />

G 42-3, Lorimer, HM 328-35. The word SSTTOCS is apparently of Anatolian<br />

origin, cf. Hitt. tapifana-. Commentators' conceptions of the vessel change<br />

as archaeological material accumulates, see E. Vermeule, Greece in the Bronze<br />

Age (Chicago 1964) 309-11. The doves recall the well-known gold cup from<br />

the fourth shaft-grave at Mycenae, but that is probably a libation vessel and<br />

the birds that decorate its handles are falcons (so S. Marinatos, Festschrift<br />


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