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Book Eleven<br />

archery. To keep the episode parallel with that of Diomedes, 3696°., would<br />

call for the wounding of Aias, but poetical necessity - the shape of the<br />

narrative to 595 - preserves him. The response to the wounding of Makhaon<br />

adumbrates the final scene of the Book, a conversation by the ships. Diomedes<br />

and Odysseus were left to make their own way home so that the narrative<br />

could remain on the field of battle. Having thus set up his immediate<br />

prospect the poet describes Aias' withdrawal in general terms, refusing to<br />

be sidetracked into a prolonged androktasia. To emphasize the Trojan pressure<br />

he gives Paris a final success, the wounding of Eurupulos. As is to be<br />

expected the details of Aias' stand and subsequent retreat are typical, see<br />

Fenik, TBS 105-13.<br />

489 Aias, to 543, is given what appear to be the preliminaries to a normal<br />

aggressive aristeia. He slays three Trojans and rages like a river in flood,<br />

as does the rampant Diomedes at 5.87—92; Hektor avoids him. But the<br />

Achaeans are making a fighting retreat and Aias is the hero of defence. His<br />

characteristic role reasserts itself from 544. AopuxAos: only here, another of<br />

Priam's voOoi, for whom see iO2n. It is surprising that the patronymic<br />

npia|ii8r|s (25 x of Hektor) should be given to this nonentity, but cf. 3.356<br />

(Paris, the verse = 7.250 of Hektor!), 4.490 (Antiphos), 6.76 and 13.586<br />

(Helenos), 13.157 (Deiphobos), 20.87 (Lukaon), 20.407 (Poludoros).<br />

490-1 There is some irony in the names of Aias' remaining victims:<br />

nuA&pTrjs is an epithet of Hades (8.367, 13.415) and TTOCVSOKOS, 'receiver of<br />

all', would be equally appropriate. Au

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