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Book Eleven<br />

but the subject may be vultures, as here, or dogs, as at 22.66. - As an<br />

epithet of wings TTUKVOC would be expected to mean 'with dense (feathers)',<br />

cf. 8puud m/Kv& at 118 and other uses of thickets and foliage. TTTEpd TTUKVOC<br />

is a formula (3X and as TTUKIVOC TTTEpd, Od. 5.53), and may be used loosely<br />

in the present context, for the action of a bird 'flinging its densely feathered<br />

wings' about a corpse is hardly comprehensible, TTUKVOC may be understood<br />

here as 'fast beating', as certainly at Sappho fr. 1.11 L-P TTUKVCX SIVVEVTES<br />

TTTepa. The vulture seizes the carrion and to help it tear the beakful loose<br />

flaps its wings. It would be possible in principle to segment the expression<br />

as nepl Trrepd | TTUKVOC |3aA6vTes (for such persistence of the words and form<br />

of a formula in spite of radically different syntax cf. UEVOEIKEOT TroAAd 8* at<br />

Od. 14.232). But TTUKvd as an adverb is restricted in the Iliad to the formula<br />

TTUKvd udAa arevdxcov (-OVTOC) 2 x .<br />

455 The reading of OCT, auTdp EU', ei KE Odvco, is that of Aristarchus<br />

(Did/A), for aCrrdp ETTEI KE Odvco; it entails the correction of the vulgate<br />

KTEpioOcxi |i£ (yE Aristarchus). The emphatic EU(E) is attractive, but yE is<br />

pointless; the paradosis may surely stand.<br />

458 01: Zenodotus (Did/A) read oft, so as to give a clearer construction<br />

to the isolated participle o"TTacx0EVTOS. oO, however, confirms the paradosis<br />

since TOO would be the correct epic pronoun. dvEcrovTO is a more violent<br />

word than that used of Diomedes' wound at 5.113 (dvrjKovTi^E). We must<br />

understand a serious wound in spite of the bold face Odysseus put upon it.<br />

459-88 The second part of Odysseus' gallant stand closely follows the<br />

pattern of the first:<br />

A Odysseus decides to make a stand, 401-10.<br />

B Simile of a boar set upon by dogs, 414-20.<br />

C He is wounded by Sokos, 420-58.<br />

A' Odysseus calls for help, 459-73.<br />

B' Simile of wounded deer set upon by jackals, 474-84.<br />

C He is rescued by Aias, 485-8.<br />

460 =13.332.<br />

462 It is natural for the man in peril to call for help, cf. 13.477, 17.120,<br />

but the thrice repeated cry is untypical. The picture drawn at 401-2 is still<br />

valid: Odysseus is isolated (470) and thoroughly alarmed. Odysseus possessed<br />

a UEydAr)v OTTOC (3.221), being $oi\v dyocOos in fact if not in formular<br />

diction.<br />

465 Aias is the natural choice for Menelaos' appeal: he was the best<br />

warrior of the Achaean front rank after Akhilleus (2.768, 17.279-80), and<br />

outstanding in defence.<br />

466 IKET* dOTTj (OCT, for IKETO 9covf|) is Aristarchus' reading, which he<br />

preferred (Did/A) because it echoed T^OCTE at 462.<br />

470 The short vowel of UOVCOOEIS (< uovp-) surprises, cf. UOUVCOOEVTCC {Od.<br />


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