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Book Eleven<br />

e.g. at 8.2i5ff. is much more indulgent. The issue rumbled on, see e.g.<br />

Archilochus fr. 3 West, Eur. Her. 151-203. The lance- and sword-wielding<br />

Franks cultivated a similar attitude; in Roland missiles generally and not just<br />

arrows are contemptible weapons used by a cowardly enemy who dare not<br />

come to close quarters with Roland and Turpin {Roland 2i52ff.)<br />

385 Kepa ayAae: K£pa(a) was also read, without effect on the sense.<br />

Aristarchus (Arn/A) and the Lexica affirm that if KEpas were taken as a<br />

reference to the bow the gibe TO^OTOC would be otiose, and therefore take<br />

K8pas to denote a style of hairdressing, sis KEpcrros Tpoirov OCVETTAEKOVTO oi<br />

dpxocioi. The possibility of this interpretation is confirmed by the term<br />

KepoTrAaoTT|s in Archilochus fr. 117 West and by the monuments, see S.<br />

Marinatos, Arch. Horn, B 12-13. The Homeric use of KEpocs is unhelpful,<br />

being always for the object 'horn' or the material, not for anything made<br />

from it or similar to it. Aristotle (T) paraphrased co TCO TO£CO CTEUVUVOIJEVE.<br />

Paris, however, was a fop (3.17).<br />

388 auTCOS is 'like this', see 17.448-50^<br />

391-3 Diomedes' grim gloating over the weeping widow and desecrated<br />

corpse is calculated to make Paris and the audience shudder. Heroes are<br />

awesome in their threats as in their deeds. ccAAcos ... 6£u (3EAOS TTEAETCCI:<br />

Leaf compares 20.99 dAAoos TOU y' 100 (3EAOS TTETET', where iOu must be<br />

predicative, to suggest that 6£u is predicative here. 6£u (3EAOS is formular<br />

with attributive adjective, cf. 845 and (3EAOS 6£U (2X), and may be so<br />

construed here, TTETETOCI would be easier, but there is no v.l. 6n

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