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Book Eleven<br />

Agamemnon holding his spear (or putting it down) while throwing stones.<br />

Lorimer, HM 273, notes that the line implies a single (thrusting) spear,<br />

since Agamemnon has no missiles but stones. Stone-throwing later devolved<br />

on the yuuvnTes, Tyrtaeus fr. 11.35-6 West. |i£ydAoiai TE XEpHocSioicri:<br />

the diminutive force of the suffix -iov is no longer present, cf. uccAcc ueycc<br />

Oripiov {Od. 10.171), |i£ya TEIXIOV {Od. 16.165, where see Hoekstra on Od.<br />

16.434). Genuinely diminutive forms are avoided by the epic.<br />

265-89 These verses, together with 284-9, 678-92, 12.127-31, 12.190-<br />

8, are contained in pap. 432 (P. Hamburg 153, dated to the latter half of<br />

third century B.G.) which was not available to OCT. In this section there<br />

are at least nine plus-verses, 266a-d, 266y-z, 272a, and 28oa-b; 281-3 are<br />

omitted; see S. R. West, Ptolemaic Papyri 91-103, with literature. Variant<br />

readings are noted below. Such papyri as this show the difficulty, and the<br />

necessity, of the work of the Alexandrian scholars. Here the extra verses,<br />

which defy restoration, would have added something to Agamemnon's<br />

exploits before his ignominious departure.<br />

266 dvf|vo0£v is generally taken to be the same verb as (hT)evf|vo6e<br />

10.134, etc. In that case we assume a haplology, dvf)vo6e, with Frisk,<br />

GEWi 517. The subject of (ETT-, KOCT-, dv-)f|vo0E is variously hair, a savour,<br />

oil, dust, and here blood. If a connexion with dvOos is sustainable a sense<br />

'sprout', 'spring up', > 'well up', could be posited for the present and 'be<br />

risen over', > 'lie upon', 'cover', for the perfective forms. But we cannot be<br />

certain that the singer had a clear idea of the sense and form of this epic<br />

verb. The poet of the Ares-and-Aphrodite episode {Od. 8.365) certainly<br />

misused the verb of the anointing oil of the gods, oil that covered their<br />

bodies but did not well up from within; the same may be said of the dust at<br />

[Hesiod], Aspis 269. In the present passage the anomalous formation does<br />

not inspire confidence in a precise usage; in fact an imperfect sense 'while<br />

the blood was welling up from his wound' best fits the context. Wyatt, ML<br />

116-18, discusses this strange word, with bibliography.<br />

Pap. 432 reads KEAaivsJcpES !£ cbTEiAf^s. However supplemented (e.g. O9p 3<br />

IV dvf|vo0Ev ocTua ... Boiling, O9pa 8' dvr|vo0EV alua ... West) the sense will<br />

not differ much from the paradosis. The remains of six plus-verses follow.<br />

268 SOvov was obscure to Hellenistic readers and the schol. (bT) comment<br />

on it (TTJV els |3d0os x^P 1 ! 0 " 00 ^ dAynSova £OT)|Jiav£v). TEipov (and<br />

TEipEv in 272) of pap. 432 is a response to the difficulty.<br />

269-72 The image of the woman in labour is a unique and memorable<br />

simile which, coming at this point, is eloquent testimony to the range and<br />

humanity of the poet's imagination. The immediate point of the simile is to<br />

affirm that Agamemnon's body is racked with pain, but there is an inescapable<br />

irony at several levels in the comparison. The great effort of the King<br />

of Men ends with his being rushed off to his surgeons like a woman to her<br />


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