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Book Eleven<br />

OKpoaTaTs, see also W. W. Minton, TAP A 91 (i960) 292-<br />

309. The poet has set the narrative a goal, the wounding of Agamemnon,<br />

and hastens to it, allowing Agamemnon only one regular slaying before he<br />

is wounded by Koon. His opponents are sons of An tenor, a detail doubtless<br />

suggested by the sons of Antimakhos in the preceding aristeia. For the good<br />

Antenor as host of Odysseus and Menelaos stands in sharpest contrast to<br />

the base Antimakhos.<br />

The whole episode of Agamemnon's last fights and wounding should<br />

be compared with the wounding of Odysseus at 426-71; the details are<br />

different, but the thread of the story is identical: the hero kills a Trojan, the<br />

Trojan's brother wounds the hero, the hero kills the second Trojan, finally<br />

the hero withdraws. Fenik's remarks (TBS 9) on a subsequent passage are<br />

worth quoting here:<br />

the poet composed by describing certain basic, recurrent situations with which he<br />

associated certain details. These details in turn group themselves along certain<br />

general structural lines — i.e. they form patterns. But this does not happen according<br />

to any unalterable or fixed system. The structural framework of all the patterns is<br />

variable at almost any given point, although a majority of identifying details is<br />

always present in an one example. Both the repetitiveness and the elasticity of the<br />

system are demonstrated by the fact that although the battle narrative is composed<br />

almost entirely of repeated elements of all kinds, no two battle scenes, large or small,<br />

are wholly alike.<br />

For the formular character of 218-63 see Espermann, Antenor, Theano,<br />

Antenoriden 119-29, who counts 21 verses substantially repeated elsewhere.<br />

218-21 Within the epic the poet's appeals to the Muses follow a certain<br />

pattern. A question, directly or indirectly, is put to the goddesses, and<br />

answered in a sentence that often (though not here) echoes the wording of<br />

the question, see 2.761-2 with 768, 14.508-10 with 511. The appeal therefore<br />

is for information, not inspiration, cf. P. Murray, JHS 101 (1981)<br />

87-100, and de Jong, Narrators 45-53 (with bibliography). The form is<br />

common to Hesiod, Theog. 114-16, 965-9, 1021-2 with fr. 1 M-W, and<br />

betrays a certain self-consciousness in the narrator. The Muse reveals to him<br />

the 'facts' of the story which the singer then transmits, with commentary,<br />

to his audience. Only 1.1 (cc6i8e, 6e&) seems to suggest that the singer is a<br />

mere mouthpiece of the Muse, who is the real author of the poem: a form<br />

that is best taken as a simplification of the usual relationship of singer and<br />

Muse; see, however, A. Lenz, Das Prodm des fruhgriechischen Epos (Bonn 1980)<br />

27. The author of 12.176 apyocAeov 6e (as TOCOTC< Oeov cos TT&VT' dyopeuaai<br />

drew a distinction between himself and the god/muse, cf. 2.485-92. We<br />

may say that the Muse is a symbol of the singer's special 'knowledge' and<br />

skill, but for him, of course, she is real enough. For the effect of a belief in<br />

the Muses on the poet's use of the heroic tradition see Introduction 36.<br />


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