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Book Eleven<br />

does not conceal himself from Hektor at i5.243ff. On that occasion Hektor<br />

remarked on the epiphany, and it is odd that he does not do so here, or make<br />

any direct response to Iris. We may understand that on such occasions the<br />

deity is visible, or audible, to the hero alone (as is stated explicitly at i .198),<br />

and are therefore free to assume, if we wish, that the poet presents the hero's<br />

decision in colourful theological language as the result of prompting from<br />

without. Covering a retreat is a hazardous operation, as 31 off. show: Hektor<br />

has decided to bide his time.<br />

200-1 = 7.47. uie: the short scansion of the first syllable is frequent. Aii<br />

UTJTIV drrocAavTe: the formula (see io.i37n.) is properly associated with<br />

Odysseus (4X ), for whom it defines an important aspect of character: for<br />

Hektor it is an ornamental compliment, and not especially appropriate in<br />

view of his portrayal with increasing emphasis in books 11 — 18 as overconfident,<br />

in contrast to the prudent Pouludamas. Verse 201 = Od. 4.829.<br />

T6iv = col, only here in //. but 4X in Od.<br />

202-9 = 187-94. I n accordance with the normal epic convention Iris<br />

repeats her instructions to Hektor verbatim and neatly changes the 3rd<br />

persons of Zeus's directive into the 2nd except in 204, where ccvaxcopsiTco<br />

(199) is turned into CmroeiKE |J&xr|S.<br />

210—15 The poet is not yet ready to shift his interest from Agamemnon,<br />

but must note Hektor's response to Iris' instructions, and does so in an<br />

abbreviated style with a few formular verses. Verse 210 is simply the resumptive<br />

verse after direct speech; it is followed by a four-verse run (211 —14 =<br />

5.494-7 and 6.103-6), and another formular verse (215 = 12.415).<br />

214-16 The battle enters a new phase. After their rout the Trojans rally<br />

(lAeAixOrio-ocv) and form a front (dpTUvOrj 8e lioxrO; f° r the tactic see 310-1 in.<br />

A short passage of general description of the ora8ir| uauivri, cf. 15.312-17,<br />

would be expected to follow, but the poet is sparing of such comments in<br />

this Book and proceeds at once to the continuation of Agamemnon's aristeia.<br />

216-84 Resumed aristeia of Agamemnon. He slays Iphidamas, a son of<br />

Antenor, and a young man of great hopes. In revenge Koon, brother of<br />

Iphidamas, wounds Agamemnon, who then slays him. His wound eventually<br />

overcomes Agamemnon and he withdraws from the battle.<br />

The appeal to the Muses at 218 (= 2.484, 14.508, 16.112), and especially<br />

the use of TTpcoTos at 219, may seem to presage a feat of memory on the part<br />

of the poet, as it does at 2.484 and 14.508, and therefore a lengthy list of<br />

slayings by the King of Men. The Muse gives the singer authority and<br />

certifies the accuracy of the list, see M. Finkelberg, AJP 111 (1990) 291-6).<br />

At 16.112, however, the appeal to the Muses marks a crisis point (how<br />

Hektor fired the ships). So here Agamemnon's irresistible march to the<br />

Scaean gates is to be halted. As bT put it em TOTS ueyicrrois T&S Moucras<br />

KaAeT cos epcov TI KoavoTepov ai yap TOICCOTOCI OKiaaioTspas TTOIOUCJI TOCS<br />


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