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Book Eleven<br />

96 (7T69dvr| could mean the rim of the headgear rather than the whole<br />

helmet here and at 7.12 (but not at 10.30), but probably serves as a<br />

synonym (with metrically useful err-) for TrqAric; (so D. H. F. Gray, CQ4.1<br />

(1947) 116 = Language and Background 62, contra Lorimer, HM 243, preferring<br />

'rim').<br />

97—8 The whole phrase eyK^ocAos §e | evSov cmas TreTT&AaKTO is formular<br />

(3X in the vulgate, but see I2.i83-6n., with 11.535 = 20.500 as a variant).<br />

The brain was not 'spattered all about', for the injury was ev8ov, probably<br />

within the helmet, cf. Friedrich, Verwundung 46—7. A similar injury is more<br />

lucidly described (and in detail) at 17.295-8 where the brain is said to gush<br />

from the wound. Apollonius Rhodius is reported to have excised 98 and<br />

read eyKecpccAovSs in 97, construing it with the preceding fjAOe. The Alexandrians<br />

suspected repeated groups of verses but rarely resorted to excision if<br />

that necessitated emendation of the verse retained.<br />

100 The obscurity of this verse lies in the verb TrepiSuae. Leaf insists, with<br />

justification from classical usage, that without an indication of removal<br />

50co should mean 'put on'; but if TrspiSuae is right the only possible sense is<br />

that Agamemnon stripped the corpses, cf. Antiphon 2.2.5 an d later authors<br />

for this sense. The authors of the banal v.l. eirel KAUTCX Teuxe' airnupa<br />

saw what was required but could not extract the sense needed from the<br />

paradosis. Aristarchus (bT) swallowed the camel but strained at the<br />

gnat, supposing that em*|6een TratJupaivovTas could be separated from TOUS<br />

and construed with x iT & va S (which he took to mean 'armour'). What<br />

Agamemnon inflicts on these minor foes is what he prayed to inflict on<br />

Hektor, 'Eicropsov 5s XITCOVCC irepi orfiOecjCTi 5cacjai (2.416). See G. Murray,<br />

The Rise of the Greek Epic, 4th edn (Oxford 1934) 127-8, on this and 22.75n.<br />


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