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Book Eleven<br />

96 vu£(e): gx with elision in the initial position.<br />

XocAKOpdpEia: 2X at verse-end; the rest of 96 is unique.<br />

97-8 (from !yK69aAos) = 12.185-6 = 20.399-400.<br />

-uu- 8E at verse-end: iox .<br />

99 TOUS |i£V AITTEV aOOi: only here, but cf. TOOS (TT)V) AITTEV CCOTOU 3X .<br />

&va£ dv8pcbv 'AyauEuvcov: 36 x .<br />

100 orrjOeai 7ra|i9aivovTas: cf. TEUXECTI Tra|i9aivcov 2 x .<br />

s: cf. the formula EVSUVE Trepi OTTIOECTCJI XITCOVCX 2 x .<br />

These scenes are by no means solidly formular: if they were, the sense of<br />

masterly versatility in the handling of essentially monotonous material<br />

would be lost. At the same time each verse contains, and most verses are<br />

made up of, diction adapted from formulas.<br />

94 KaTeTT&Auevos: KaTCCTraAiJiEvos Hsch., which may have been read by<br />

some Hellenistic texts, if Anth. Pal. 9.326 (Leonidas) KOCTom-aAuEvov OScop<br />

depends on it. See nn. on KCCTETraATo at 19.351. The form must be understood<br />

as Kcrr-eTr-dA-uEvos, athematic aorist of (Kcrr-6cp-)aAAo|iai, with psilosis,<br />

the athematic forms being unknown to those responsible for the orthography<br />

of the vulgate, cf. vol. v 35.<br />

95-6 6£EI 8oupi I vu£': Agamemnon now wields a thrusting-spear in spite<br />

of his taking two (throwing) spears at his arming (11.43). The confusion is<br />

not unique, cf. 3.361 (Menelaos rushes in with the sword after one spearcast)<br />

with 379, and 22.273 ( tne great spear of Peleus is thrown) with 326<br />

(Hector is wounded by a thrust), cf. 1142off. The verbs of close combat are<br />

lAauvEiv, Ep£i8Eiv, vuaaEiv, opEyEcrOai, OUTOC^EIV, (Eu-)Trrjyvuvai, TTATJCTCTEIV,<br />

COOETV, those of missile-throwing &KOVTI££IV, P&AAEIV, (£9-, Ttpo-)i£vai, X£^£iv,<br />

with little overlap between them. — Shattering head-wounds are frequent<br />

enough (4.460, 6.10, 8.85 (ahorse), 12.185, 12.384, 16.347, 16.740, 17.297<br />

(with extra detail), 20.399) *° De obviously part of the typology of battle;<br />

see Thornton, Supplication 95-100. Verses 97-6 = 12.185-6 = 20.399-<br />

400. At 3.300 the pouring out of sacrificial wine reminds the witnesses of<br />

spilled brains. Agamemnon used excessive force, but then so did Akhilleus<br />

at 2O.395ff. Friedrich, Verwundung 52, notes that Agamemnon's killings tend<br />

towards the gruesome character assigned to the exploits of second-rank<br />

warriors, cf. his slayings of Deikoon (5.5336°.) and Hippolokhos (1 i.i45ff.).<br />

Agamemnon is especially savage with the sword (a slashing weapon), see<br />

his treatment of Peisandros (146), but only here is the dramatic effect of his<br />

spear-thrust described. The Homeric spear does not inflict a neat puncture<br />

but an extensive wound; at 16.322-5 a spear-thrfust shears off an arm. It is<br />

not necessary for the poet always to state in rapid narrative that such<br />

injuries were fatal, see 108, 144, 321, 338-9, 421, etc., and Mueller, Iliad<br />

86-9.<br />


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