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Book Eleven<br />

etc. (12X ), Oeiou |3., etc. (3X in Od.), and UTrepiJevecov (3., etc. (3X ). Contrast<br />

the behaviour of 6cva£, on which see Ruijgh, UElement acheen 112-16.<br />

Only in this verse is (3a 2I -9°><br />

a word of uncertain meaning, irponaxoi according to an old suggestion of<br />

Hermann's, 'en masse' in later poets, perhaps 'on foot' here and at 12.77,<br />

as Arn/A suggests and as Eustathius (893.32) thought on the strength of the<br />

word's occurrence in Cretan; not, as LSJ s.v. propose, common soldiers<br />

'opp. to chiefs fighting from chariots', at least not here. (The TrpuAees have<br />

a f|ye|icov at 15.517.) Verses 47-8 = 12.84-5, where ETTI Tc&ppco refers to the<br />

outer side of the ditch. The iTrTrqES at 52 are then those in charge of the<br />

chariots, the fjvioxoi. Verses 48-9 are repeated with grammatical changes<br />

to introduce the imperative mood at 12.76-7, but there it is Pouludamas<br />

recommending these same tactics to the Trojans.<br />

50 The noise of the Achaean advance seems to be an inadvertence;<br />

cf. 3.8-9, 4.429-31. fjcoOi Trpo: here and 2X Od.; for the shape of the<br />

formula cf. 'IAi68i Trpo (3X //., 1 x Od.) and the isolated oupavoOi Trpo 3.3.<br />

The syntax is unclear (from an archetype 'lAioo Trpo?), cf. 3-3n.<br />

51-2 UETEKIOCOOV: the chariotry follow in the approved manner at a short<br />

distance. UETEKIOCOOV (with I by metrical lengthening) is an obsolescent verb<br />

(5X //., 1 x Od., not in Hesiod) beside the simplex (E)KIOV. Both forms are<br />

aorists. The root is evidently *kiH- with laryngeal, cf. the factitive KTVECO.<br />

The proper function of the -0- suffix is to indicate 'que l'aboutissement de<br />

l'action est envisage' (Chantraine, GH 1 326), a function most evident at<br />

16.685 Tpcoas KOCI AUKIOUS HETEKIOOE.<br />

53—4 The symbolism of the bloody rain is obvious, cf. the bloody raindrops<br />

at 16.459-61, Aspis 384.<br />


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