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Book Eleven<br />

a hundred oxen for the de luxe model in gold, ibid.); its smooth surfaces<br />

invited ostentatious decoration to express (as here) the status and vanity of<br />

the wearer, cf. the corslet of Asteropaios (23.560-2). It seems also to possess<br />

a special symbolism for the Homeric warrior. Its seizure took precedence<br />

over tactical military considerations or personal safety, as if victory were not<br />

complete without the spoils of war. The important pieces for that purpose<br />

are helmet, shield, corslet and spear, cf. the lists at 13.264-5 and 19.359-61.<br />

Special armour is noted at 6.235, 7-136, 8.191, 17.194, and of course<br />

i8.478ff.<br />

15 The narrative plunges immediately into the arming scene without<br />

any notice of sacrifice, prayer, or meal, as in books 2 and 19 (the entry into<br />

battle of the Myrmidons in book 16 is in response to an emergency, but even<br />

there space is found for Akhilleus' prayer to Zeus). If the poet had intended<br />

his hearers to suppose that Agamemnon had omitted those crucial precautions<br />

he would have said as much; even so the tempo of the narrative<br />

leaves an indelible sense of Agamemnon's impatience. 'ATpsiSris: this is<br />

Agamemnon's great moment and a note on his royal ancestry would not<br />

have been inappropriate, but this has already been given when he stood<br />

before the assembly at 2. iooff. The Homeric poems know (or mention) only<br />

Pelops, Atreus, and Thuestes in earlier generations of the Pelopidae, and<br />

only Menelaos and Aigisthos in Agamemnon's; there is no mention of<br />

Pleisthenes, whom the Cypria (fr. 10 Davies) and mainland and western<br />

poets from Hesiod (fr. 194 M-W) and Stesichorus (fr. 219 Davies) onwards<br />

insert at unspecific points into the genealogy. It is possible that these allusions<br />

preserve the remnants of a memory of the Pelopidae at Mycenae lost<br />

from the main Ionian tradition. Pleisthenes was made brother or halfbrother<br />

of Atreus by schol. Pind. 01. 1.144 and inserted between Atreus and<br />

Agamemnon by schol. Eur. Or. 4. See Fraenkel's note to Aesch. Ag. 1569<br />

for further references.<br />

16 e80creTo: the conjugation of sigmatic aorists with the thematic vowel<br />

is an epic type confined to a few verbs, chiefly 5uouoci, paivco, and compounds,<br />

see Ghantraine, GHi 416-17. The paradosis has often introduced<br />

-era- forms in spite of ancient grammatical opinion that identified the<br />

formation as an imperfect. See further West on Od. 1.330, Hainsworth on<br />

Od. 5.194, 6.321 and the literature there cited.<br />

17-19 =3.330-2=16.131-3=19.369-71. Apparently the greaves,<br />

though often of metal in the Late Helladic (LH) period (and at 7.41,<br />

18.613, 21.592) did not lend themselves to detailed description, at least no<br />

attempt is made to elaborate their mention beyond the two-verse formula<br />

17—18. Nor were they worth looting, in spite of their silver clasps. For a full<br />

account see H. W. Catling, Arch. Horn, E 143-61. The obsolescence of the<br />

tower shield made it necessary to protect the lower legs which could not be<br />


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