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Book Ten<br />

vowed by Diomedes at 292, which is otherwise forgotten, but it is more<br />

likely that the arms, which Odysseus has already offered to Athene at 460,<br />

are themselves the ipov. Dedications, avocOfmccTa, are not part of the religious<br />

practice of the Heroic Age, but were known to Homer (see 7.81-3)<br />

and a fortiori to this poet. — ivocpoc: see 528n.<br />

572-5 The heroes bathe in the sea, partly in order to cool off after their<br />

exertions (575). After that they enjoy the pleasure of the (hot) bath as if<br />

preparing for a feast. There is more than a suspicion of'thematic override'<br />

from this point to the end of the Book, see 576-9^, as the heroes are<br />

indulged in the amenities of an Odyssean palace wholly out of place in their<br />

KAiaiai along the shore.<br />

573 A690S in the epic usually denotes the mane of a horse or the crest of<br />

a helmet. It is an odd word for the back of a man's neck and oddly placed<br />

between the shins and thighs.<br />

574 I5pcb TTOAXOV: primarily doubtless i6p6a if the expression is formular,<br />

cf. fjco 5Iav for f)6a 5., at the verse-end; see Meister, Kunstsprache 7. The<br />

contraction is not necessarily post-Homeric; conservatism preserves the use<br />

of these expressions in spite of awkwardness brought about by linguistic<br />

evolution, cf. 1 i.in., see Introduction 28-30.<br />

575 Wackernagel, Untersuchungen 146, denounced xp&n"(a) as an Atticism<br />

and proof of interpolation. The T-stem, however, occurs at Od. 18.172,<br />

18.179 and at Hesiod, Erga 556; it may be assumed to be a neologism of<br />

the vernacular making a tentative entry into Kunstsprache, where the old<br />

(originally j-stem) forms XP° a etc - were well entrenched.<br />

576—9 Four formular verses round off the book: 576 = Od. 4.48, 17.87;<br />

577 = Od. 6.96 (with xpicrd|i6vai), from the regular bathing scene, cf.<br />

Arend, Scenen 124-6. The notice of the bath and meal is almost absurdly<br />

laconic and omits the heating of the water and the female assistant, see West<br />

on Od. 3.464ff. Familiarity prevented the poet reflecting that bathtubs<br />

(usually heavy ceramic fixtures, archaeologically) were an improbable<br />

amenity for an army on campaign; likewise that the 8enTVOv was Diomedes'<br />

second and Odysseus' third repast this night. Since the heroes have already<br />

bathed in the sea the point of the tub must be that it provided a hot bath,<br />

as is certainly the case at Od. 8.450 and 10.361, and fresh water to remove<br />

the sea-salt. — sO^eoTas, the regular epithet (3X ), suggests the possibility of<br />

wooden tubs (S. Laser, Arch. Horn, s 139). — After the mention of so much<br />

detail one misses a note of the retirement to bed, as at 9.658ff., unless the<br />

scholiast's suggestion (Arn/A) is accepted that the SeiTrvov was really the<br />

apiorov and taken just before dawn. The next Book begins abruptly at<br />

sunrise.<br />

576 a

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