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Book Ten<br />

For the contraction -|3co- (< -por|-) see 12.337. Odysseus and Diomedes<br />

have finished the easy part of their business and have set themselves the<br />

more dangerous task of attacking the Thracians. Odysseus naturally calls<br />

on Athene for safe conduct (Treuyov, 464).<br />

466 8eeAov 8 J em o-qud T' lOrjKe is virtually unintelligible but must conceal<br />

the sense that Odysseus put some mark on the tamarisk so that they could<br />

pick up the spoils on their return. Hsch. has a gloss SkAos* 8SCT|J6S, auucc,<br />

which almost certainly recalls an attempt to interpret this passage: 8eeAov<br />

would then be a noun ('bundle' of something) co-ordinated with crqua.<br />

Am/A take 8eeAov as an uncontracted form of Sf^Aov, which would give<br />

good sense were it not for the T\ SseAov could be a deliberate archaism based<br />

on 6U8EI6AOS (3X Od.) and T J may be ejected despite the unusual hiatus that<br />

would follow. Either that, or the verse has been the victim of deep and very<br />

early corruption.<br />

467 £piOr|A£as 6£ous looks as though it should be formular, cf. Tavuf)Keas<br />

6£ous 16.768, but both are unique expressions. Hesiod has 8cc9vr|S epi0r|Aeos<br />

6£ov {Theog. 30).<br />

4^9~5 02 The Achaeans surprise the Thracians sleeping. Diomedes slays Rhesos and<br />

twelve other Thracians while Odysseus makes off with the horses<br />

For a scene with such graphic possibilities the death of Rhesos is poorly<br />

represented in classical vase-painting, there being no certain examples in<br />

Attic black and red figure, but cf. 454n. Virgil included the scene among<br />

his decorations of the temple of Juno at Carthage, Aen. 1.469—73.<br />

471 6C8T|K6T£S: see g8n.<br />

473 Tpioroixi: 'in three rows', only here in the epic (and Hesiod, Theog.<br />

727), but the formation is impeccable. 8i£uyes ITTTTOI: only in the phrase<br />

TTCcpoc 8e oxpiv eK&orcp 8. 1. (2X //.) The horses are a matched pair, ready to<br />

be yoked. The epithet is thus contextually significant, a 'marked' form, and<br />

not a formular equivalent of the 'free' form, licbvux^S TTTTTOI, that immediately<br />

follows.<br />

475 ^ 67Ti8i9pid8os: hapax legomenon, but evidently the breastwork or<br />

the chariot rail, like OCVTU£, see the many drawings in Arch. Horn, F 42-69<br />

(J. Wiesner). It is not necessary to state what every ancient reader would<br />

assume, that the horses were unyoked for the night (cf. 8.543-4, and see<br />

4986°. with nn.). Truucrrns is difficult to understand precisely (the rail at the<br />

back of the chariot?), and may have been influenced by the use of TruudTr)<br />

with &VTU£ as part of a shield (6.118, 18.608). The &VTU£ of a chariot was<br />

the natural place to fasten the reins, cf. the formula s£ dvTuyos f|Via Teivas<br />

(2X //.). iuaai: as a specific term in connexion with horses \\xas means a<br />

whiplash (23.363), but it has a wide application and here presumably<br />


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